How to encourage a child to speak. Let's overcome together

Sections: speech therapy

Mastering speech is a complex multilateral mental process, the formation of which occurs from the moment a child is born. During this period, a special place is occupied by the emotional communication of an adult with a baby, which becomes the most important prerequisite for the formation of verbal, that is, speech forms of communication. The formation of speech activity is especially intensive at an early age: from 1 to 3 years. It is during this period that the child must be taught to use words independently, stimulating his speech activity. With the proper organization of interaction with children, by the age of 5-6, most of them correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, have the vocabulary necessary for free communication, fully express their thoughts, easily build complex sentences, freely use monologue speech. Children adequately use verbal and non-verbal means of communication, speak dialogically and constructively interact with other children and adults (negotiate, exchange objects, distribute actions in cooperation). They are able to change the style of communication with an adult or peer, depending on the situation. Children who have not received the appropriate speech development at this age, subsequently, as a rule, have a lag in the pace of speech development and the manifestation of secondary deviations in mental development.

Unfortunately, in recent years the number of children with speech problems has increased dramatically. Usually, parents are more worried about children 4-5 years old with impaired sound pronunciation, or children with general underdevelopment of speech, when the violation concerns all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Corrective work with such children is carried out quite successfully, since the methods used in the work are well known and worked out.

But in some cases, parents of three-year-old kids turn to speech therapists. They are concerned that their children will not move from babbling to words, their speech is far behind the level of speech development of their peers. Their language acquisition is delayed. At the same time, physical hearing and motor functions are preserved. “He understands everything, but does not speak,” is how the mother characterizes her child. Parents complain that the baby almost does not play with toys, rarely shows interest in children's songs, almost does not look at books and does not listen when they are read or told to him; reluctantly repeats the words and sentences that he hears, and is silent when asked to repeat the word. He doesn't care if anyone understands him. If you do not pay attention to these problems in time, they can distort the further development of the speech and personality of the child.

According to experts, specially organized exercises in the process of subject-practical, gaming activities make it possible to prevent a lag in the pace of speech development. Especially effective is the specially organized activity of an adult with children in a sensitive period for speech: at the age of 1.5 to 3 years, when the speech function is actively developing.

Real and full-fledged help to the baby can be provided by those persons who constantly interact with him, using in the game and subject-practical activities with the child special techniques for the development of speech and stimulation of speech activity and speech communication:

1. Sample dialog

The speech of an adult in communication with a child has a pronounced dialogic structure, where the central place belongs to the question of an adult to a child, to which he himself gives an answer.

- What did I take? - A cup.
- What it is? - A cup.
- What did you set? - A cup. Etc.

2. Talk to yourself

The adult says aloud what he sees or hears. In this case, the child is nearby. “Where is the dress?”, “Here is the dress”, “Dress on a chair”, “Beautiful dress”, “Tanya will put on a dress”, etc.

3. Parallel conversation

An adult describes all the actions of the child: what he touches, sees, hears.

4. Provocation, or artificial misunderstanding of the child.

Do not rush to immediately fulfill the desire of the baby: give a different toy, and not the one that he silently points to. An adult temporarily becomes “deaf”, “stupid”: “I don’t understand what you want: a bear, a doll, a top?” The "lack of understanding" of an adult will be the first motive that stimulates the baby to name the object he needs.

5. Distribution

The adult continues and completes everything said by the child, but without forcing him to repeat.
Child: Juice.
Adult: “Yes, juice”, “Apple juice is very tasty”, “Juice is poured into a mug.”

6. Sentences

Use in joint activities of game songs, nursery rhymes, sentences. The purpose of most of the works of oral folk art is the development of the baby's motor activity, which is closely connected with the formation of speech activity. Imitating adults, children begin to play with words and sounds.

7. Choice

Alternative questions, such as: "Do you want to play with a ball or a car?", "Which would you like to drink - milk or tea?". In the course of the answer, the child must use speech. The child's need is satisfied only after speech reactions.

8. Orders

An adult turns to the child with a request to bring one or another object, a toy, after moving it to a place inaccessible to the child. In such a situation, the child is forced to turn to an adult. The adult stimulates the child’s appeal: “What do you want to take? Doll? How should you ask? "Give me the doll..."

9. Mediated communication

In the process of playing (“Birthday”, “Mothers and Daughters”, etc.) or caring for animals, an adult encourages the child to make simple statements: “Treat the bunny with tea. On, Bunny, a cup, drink tea”, “Put the doll to bed. Sing her a song. Bye-bye, Katya, bye-bye.

10. Games with natural material

Already in the first year of life, the child shows interest in sand, water, clay, wood, paper. This makes a lot of sense: the child is busy with work, he gets acquainted with the material, studies its functions, etc., that is, he strives for self-development. This has a huge impact on the growth of speech activity.

11. Productive activities

Drawing, modeling, application, design contribute to the appearance of the child's speech activity. Problem situations that arise during productive activities (“forgot” to put a sheet of paper or pencil) force the child to ask for the missing, i.e. show initiative.

12. Substitution

Games such as "Imagine that we ..." or "Guess what I'm doing" arouse great interest in the child, encourage the baby to use speech means, and stimulate his speech activity.

13. Role play

Children with great interest play elementary role-playing games organized by adults. "Phone", "Train", "Toy Store", etc. stimulate the speech development of babies.

14. Music games.

Noise instruments, ritual games "Loaf", "Over the bumps", etc. stimulate the child's desire to move, sing along. It is necessary to provide the baby more often with the opportunity to move to a variety of music, independently extract sounds from various objects.

15. Praise

It is very important to praise and demonstrate the achievements of the child in his presence to other family members. This stimulates the need for verbal communication.

Thus, the slow rate of speech development in young children can be successfully overcome using these game techniques. They will help stimulate the child's speech activity and will, in most cases, completely compensate for the child's speech underdevelopment even before he enters school.


1. Belobrykina O.A. Speech and communication. A popular guide for parents and teachers / O. A. Belobrykina. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", "Academy K", 1998. - 240 p.;
2. Gribova O.E. What to do if your child does not speak: A book for those who are interested / O. E. Gribova. - M .: Iris-press, 2004. - 48 p.
3. Zhukova N.S. Differential diagnosis of general underdevelopment of speech / N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva // Logopedia. Overcoming general underdevelopment in preschoolers: Book. for a speech therapist. Series: learning by playing. - Yekaterinburg, ARD LTD, 1998. - p. 24-26;
4. Maksakov A.I. How does a child's speech develop? Senior preschool age (from 5 to 7 years) / A. I. Maksakov // Does your child speak correctly. - M .: Education, 1983. - p. 32-35;
5. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. Learn by playing: Games and exercises with the sounding word. Handbook for a kindergarten teacher. - 2nd ed., Corrected. and additional / A. I. Maksakov, G. A. Tumakova - M .: Education, 1983. - 144 p.;
6. Mironova S.A. The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes: Book. for a speech therapist / S. A. Mironova - M .: Education, 1991. - 208 p.
7. Tkachenko T.A. If a preschooler speaks poorly / T. A. Tkachenko. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 1999. - 112 p.

What to do if the baby does not fit into the norms of speech development?

First of all, you should tell your pediatrician about your concerns. Perhaps the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe additional examinations of the baby. Of course, one of the first should be a hearing test. If the doctors think there is no problem with the child's development, there are some steps you can take to stimulate the child's speech.

Reference: After six months, the child begins to develop understanding of the speech of others (impressive speech). This side of speech development, which is closely related to thinking, play, objective activity and socialization of the child, together with active / expressive speech, ensures the child's communication with others. And this means that it is necessary to develop speech in the process of communication and joint play of a child and an adult.

Cooing stimulation

Draw the child's attention to your face. Call him, blow, tickle the baby, waiting for his gaze.

Talk to the baby, conducting a kind of dialogue with him. When making sounds resembling cooing, cooing, pause, giving the baby the opportunity to answer you. Repeat the sounds your baby makes. Remember that the "talking face" is the strongest stimulus to get a child's attention. At this age, children like smooth, melodious speech. They listen carefully to the intonation, not yet understanding the meaning of speech.

Be attentive to the signals of the child, perhaps he also wants to chat with you. This is evidenced by his look, smile, cooing sounds.

Talking to the baby, tickle him, stroke him. Your speech and your smile, combined with tactile-motor stimulation, will help your baby smile just for you. In addition, such “braking” stimulates the revitalization complex.

If the child looks away, turns away, throws his hands behind his head - this is a signal that he is tired and you need to take a break from communication.

Babble stimulation

Play with your baby while sitting face to face. To do this, you can use a special chair with an inclined back (baby lounger, car seat). Sitting comfortably, the child will be happy to play with you.

Repeat after the child the sounds he makes. Pause to give him a chance to answer you.

At the time when the baby makes long vowel sounds, put your index finger under the lower lip and help him close his lips. Repeat these movements so that the child pronouncing a _________ has the syllables ba-ba-ba.

Encourage your baby to take toys that are comfortable for this. They create additional bows in the mouth, which also stimulates the appearance of syllables with consonant sounds.

Use a combination of chains of movements with chains of syllables: while saying syllables, for example, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, bounce with the child. To do this, you can put the child on a large ball, another springy surface, or simply on your lap.

Slow down, throw the baby up, usually this makes him laugh, loud exclamations.

Imitate the babble of a baby. Try to fully maintain the pace, timbre and pitch of children's speech. When pronouncing lip sounds and syllables, draw the child's attention to your mouth. Pause to give your child time to repeat the sounds.

If possible, record another child's babble and let your baby listen to it. If your child has periods of active vocalization, usually in the morning, record your child's "speech" and give it to him to listen to.

From babble to babble words

Below is an example of work on the stimulation of expressive speech from a year to 2, 2.5 years. If it seems to you that the baby is lagging behind in the development of his own (expressive) speech, you can try the following stimulation techniques.

Introducing meaning into babbling: if the child says “mom” - a positive reaction of the mother (mom, dad, woman, drrr (car) ahhh (sleep) bang (fell) -

Step 2. stimulate the use of the first 5-7 words. Ask questions: "Who came, who is it, call your mother." Use babble words and onomatopoeia yourself along with the full words “How did Vanya fall? Bach!
Approximate age - from one year to one and a half years

Step 3
Watching the child play, write down his "speech production"
1. Available words (any sounds, syllables and onomatopoeia that carry meaning)
2. available babble (various sounds and syllables that do not carry meaning)

Do an analysis of the child's articulation capabilities, for example, the child uses the following letters and syllables in words and babble:
Ma, pa, ba, ahh yes-yes-yes, wah-wah-wah, ka-ka, uh-ha-ha

Step 4: Building a Probable Vocabulary Using Babbling Words

Onomatopoeia word:

Drum bam bam bam
fell bang, bang
Swing, swing swing swing
Rain cap-cap
Goose ha-ha-ha
kva-kva frog
Give, give? give
dog av-av
Crow kar-kar
Sleep ah-ah-ah, bye-bye

Perhaps your child will call rain, crow and swing almost the same (ka-ka), but it will be three words. And if you listen, then the baby will say them differently.
Step 3 and 4 - approximately one and a half years

Step 5 Appearance of adult vocabulary words:

Babaka (dog)
Titiki (watch)
Mochi (look)

The appearance of a halophrasis, for example, the child says "dad" in response to the presentation of a hammer, which means "dad used this hammer"

The appearance of two-word constructions: ya bang (Lalya fell)

Approximate age of the beginning of this stage is one year 8 months.

For the appearance of words in an adult lexicon, we suggest playing a game "Repeat"*

All children are different. Some hear how parents speak and repeat as best they can, that is, they seem to have the ability to simplify the word and pronounce it. For example, he hears “Big”, says “ayaya” and everyone is happy, instead of the word “tractor”, he says “tact”, or “tata” and again this is good. These are already adult words, the child says them incorrectly, but this is acceptable for this age.
There are children whom I would call “all or nothing” maximalists. It looks like they think like this:
"I can't say 'big' and I won't, I'll shake my head if asked or ask an adult to say it using a pointing gesture and an interrogative intonation."
What to do? We cannot ask "say ayayah" by offering an example of garbled speech. An adult can speak onomatopoeia (ko-ko, ha-ha-ha), but there are no distorted words. Therefore, you can try to play repeat games with syllables. They mean nothing. Just a fun game. But the child learns to repeat consciously (!) different combinations of sounds and syllables. In addition to developing auditory attention and expanding pronunciation, it helps the child to say “a piece of an adult word.
It involves the child's conscious repetition of sounds, syllables and their combinations offered by adults.

Always start with the same thing: For example, with the sound "A". This will allow the child to tune in to the game, as well as tell you that he wants to play repeat games. It is enough for the baby to come up to you and say “a!”

Speak only those sounds and syllables that are in the child's repertoire

Use one to three repeated syllables (this is the average number of syllables in Russian words. For example, pa, papa, papapa.

If the child says the wrong syllables, for example, instead of "ha-ha", says "pa-pa" do not correct him, do not say "no", just repeat "Ga-ha" again

When the child can easily repeat chains of the same syllables after you, start teaching him to switch from one syllable to another: pa-pu (vowel change) pa-ta (consonant change)

If here you have achieved success, you can offer simple words consisting of syllables well pronounced by the child: bye, go, leg, doll (the child will say “kuka”), grass (tava). Always say the words correctly, but accept any pronunciation of the words by the child.

Gradually expand the child's repertoire by offering him syllables that he has not yet begun to pronounce himself. Do it in this order:

1. Familiar syllable
2. new syllable
3. new syllable (same)
4. familiar syllable
5. Familiar syllable.
Familiar syllables can be different, it is important that the child easily repeats them.

* It often happens that a child repeating a word/sound/syllable spontaneously, at the height of an emotional upsurge, cannot repeat it at the request of an adult. This means that there is no voluntary repetition yet and it is necessary to create emotionally saturated situations when the child’s word “flies out” involuntarily. Over time, the child will learn to repeat at your request, that is, arbitrarily.

The sequence of work on the understanding of speech.

1. Basic rule, which is absolutely necessary to observe for the successful development of speech understanding: the correlation of the word and what it means should be as obvious as possible to the child.

Classes begin with the fact that the child is taught to understand the word in a certain situation.

First - nouns.
Then there are verbs.
Then simple signs, such as big and small.

2. Acquaintance happens gradually, better in a specially organized game, then fixed in everyday life.

The most convenient and interesting game is hide and seek. During this game, there is a repeated appearance and disappearance of an object, for example, a toy, with the simultaneous naming. All this helps the baby to correlate the word and the object / family member / pet.

3. Sequence of dictionary accumulation:


The subject is presented and named.

The child is introduced to the purpose of the object.

A game is organized during which the object is called repeatedly, for example, hide and seek. (Here is the ball! They hid the ball. No ball! Where is the ball? Here is the ball! Throw the ball to mom)

The child finds an object by the word when choosing from two.

The child finds an object on request, choosing it from a larger number of objects.

To form a concept, the child is presented with similar, but different in color, size, texture, objects and their images.

The name of the subject is included in games, songs, work begins on including the word in the baby's active dictionary.

Note: Each subsequent item is taken into service only after the child copes with the previous one.


Acquaintance of the child with the action, or with a picture depicting the action. For example, familiarity with the verb "eats".

A game is organized during which this action is repeatedly played out and called (the bear eats, the bunny eats, the boy eats).

The child chooses one of two actions (the bear eats - the bear sleeps). It is usually carried out according to simple concise plot pictures.

Choose from more options.

The inclusion of the word in everyday life and games.

Inclusion of the word in the active dictionary.

Acquaintance with other parts of speech occurs according to a similar technique.

4. Offers

Types of simple sentences:

Instructions: Give me the teddy bear.
Descriptions: Give me a big bear.
Questions: Do you want a bear?
Negatives: Is this a bear? (show bunny)

Examples of possible questions:

What do you want? (choice of two)
Which...? (big or small)
Who is not sleeping?

5. Levels of complexity of sentences.

The complexity of sentences depends on the number of words that affect understanding (the so-called keywords).

1st level:
Equipment: bear and bunny.
Request options: “where is the bunny”, “Where is the bear”

2nd level:
Equipment: bunny, bear, comb, spoon.
Instruction options: “Comb the bunny”, “Comb the bear”, “Feed the bunny”, “Feed the bear”.

3rd level:
Equipment: big bunny and small bunny, washcloth, towel
Instructions like: "Dry the hands of the big bunny."

4th level:
Equipment: bunnies and bears in two sizes, boxes in two colors.
Instructions like: "Put the big bear in the red box."

You can complicate sentences only after the child can easily cope with the previous level. A new level is given in a special lesson, and an already familiar one is used in everyday situations.

6. Similar work is carried out on pictures and photographs.

The levels are the same, but instead of performing actions, the child chooses one of the proposed pictures.

1st level:
Pictures are presented: “Bear-dog”,
an older child can offer these words in a sentence
"Bear eats", "Bunny eats".
Questions: "Show: The bear is eating."

Level 2 involves two keywords.
Pictures are presented: “The boy is eating”, “The girl is eating”, “The boy is combing his hair”.
The instructions are aimed at choosing the right picture, for example, "The boy is eating"

3rd level:
Pictures are presented: “The boy puts on a hat”, “The girl puts on a hat”, “The boy hangs up his hat”, “The boy puts on a jacket”.
The instructions aim to find: "Boy puts on jacket."

4th level:
Pictures are presented: “The boy puts on blue shoes”,
"Girl puts on blue shoes", "Boy cleans blue shoes", "Boy puts on blue boots", "Boy puts on yellow shoes".
The instruction suggests finding a picture: "The boy puts on blue shoes."

Working on the development of each level, it is necessary to use sentences of different types, the words in them must perform different functions. For instance:

Affiliation: "Wash daddy's plate."
Moving the object: "Put the spoon in the box", "Put the plate on the table".
Passing the item: "Give the ball to Kolya"
An action performed on a subject or object: "Comb your dad", "Pat the doll".
Questions: "Where is the bag?"
Negatives: "Show me a girl who doesn't sleep."

Remember that all this should be interesting and attractive to the child.

Early age is a valuable age stage in the development of the child. During this period, a special place is occupied by the emotional communication of an adult with a baby, which becomes the most important prerequisite for the formation of verbal, that is, speech forms of communication. The formation of speech activity is especially intensive at an early age: from 1 to 3 years. It is during this period that the child must be taught to use words independently, stimulating his speech activity.

Currently, preschool educational institutions are at a new stage of development, when the content of preschool education is being revised. New federal state educational standards for preschool education have been adopted, in which one of the priority areas in pedagogy as part of the modernization of special education is work with young children to enhance speech activity, prevent and prevent the occurrence of various speech disorders.

The problem of the development of active speech of children today is relevant for a number of reasons:

  • sensitivity of children from 1 to 3 years old to the development of speech; early age is a period of more rapid, intensive development of all mental functions. The main neoplasm of this period is the mastery of speech, which becomes the basis for the further development of the child; preschool age is the flowering of the child's speech activity, the formation of all aspects of speech, the assimilation of the norms and rules of the native language by the preschooler;
  • speech gradually becomes the most important means of transferring social experience to the child, controlling his activities by adults;
  • a significant deterioration in the health of children can contribute to the appearance of speech disorders;
  • the number of children with speech disorders is constantly growing due to the lack of attention to the development of oral speech on the part of both parents and teachers;
  • a significant narrowing of the volume of "live" communication between parents and children;
  • global decline in the level of speech and cognitive culture in society.

Therefore, it is important to start work on the development of children's speech activity and the prevention of speech disorders from an early age, to notice and correct the lag in the formation of speech function in time, to stimulate its development, contributing to the full development of the child.

Real and full-fledged help to the baby can be provided only by those persons who constantly interact with him, using in the game and subject-practical activities with the child special methods and techniques for stimulating speech activity and speech communication, aimed at:

  • formation of a motivational and incentive level of speech activity;
  • improving the ability to imitate the actions (echopraxia) of an adult, peers and speech imitation - echolalia;
  • development of the psychophysiological basis of speech activity: different types of perception, physiological and speech breathing, articulation skills;
  • the formation of an internal and external lexicon (nominative, predicative, and attributive), providing minimal communication;
  • formation of initial skills of grammatical (morphological and syntactic) structuring of speech utterance;
  • the formation in the child of the ability to create an internal plan, an utterance program (primitive at first);
  • prevention of the occurrence of secondary speech disorders.

Based on the tasks for the development of speech, we select methods and techniques aimed at developing the speech activity of preschoolers. A number of educators (E.I. Perovsky, E.Ya. Golant, D.O. Lordkipanidze and others) distinguished three groups of methods: verbal, visual, and practical. The form of organization of children can be both specially organized classes and everyday life of children. In the speech development of a young child, the main thing is to stimulate his active speech. This is achieved through the integrated use of a variety of methods and techniques.

Visual methods: observation of living objects - a cat, a dog, a bird, etc.; observations in nature; excursions to the site of the senior group, to the garden, sports ground of a preschool institution, etc.; looking at toys, objects and pictures; pictorial display.

Practical Methods: didactic games and exercises; finger games; round dance games; dramatization games; dramatizations; games - surprises; games with rules.

verbal methods: reading nursery rhymes, jokes, poems, fairy tales using visualization; reading and telling stories, memorizing poems using visualization.

Let's talk about them in more detail.

Sample dialogue.

The speech of an adult in communication with a child has a pronounced dialogic structure, where the central place belongs to the question of an adult to a child, to which he himself gives an answer.

- What did I take? - A cup.
- What it is? - A cup.
- What did you set? - A cup. Etc.


The adult says aloud what he sees or hears. In this case, the child is nearby. “Where is the dress?”, “Here is the dress”, “Dress on a chair”, “Beautiful dress”, “Tanya will put on a dress”, etc. At the same time, it is important to speak slowly (but without stretching the words) and clearly, in short, simple sentences - accessible to the perception of the child. For example: “Where is the doll? ”, “I see a doll”, “Doll in a stroller”, etc.

parallel conversation.

This technique differs from the previous one in that all the actions of the child are described: what he sees, hears, touches. Using "parallel conversation", we kind of suggest to the child the words that express his experience, the words that he will later begin to use on his own.

Municipal state preschool educational institution - kindergarten of combined type No. 3

Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Round table for preschool teachers

on this topic:

« Stimulation of speech development

in young children"

Done: educator

Tatyana Alexandrovna Chentsova


Early age is a crucial period in the speech development of children. At this age, the child develops the understood speech of adults, the ability to imitate it, the formation of his own active speech, which becomes a means of communicating with adults. Today we see how acute the problem of delayed speech development in children is. The teacher should influence the development of active, communicative speech of preschoolers. So purpose round table - increasing the professional competence of teachers in the development of speech, and task - to activate the educational and educational process for the development of speech.

For the formation of active speech, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to listen to an adult's speech and imitate frequently heard words and sound combinations, the ability to answer questions with accessible, previously learned words, and not actions.

To do this, you need to constantly talk with children, include everyone in a dialogue, create a need for your own statements. The teacher should encourage each child to turn to the adults around him as often as possible, while trying to ensure that he uses previously learned words and masters the pronunciation of new ones.

Consistency in the actions of educators, narrow specialists and parents will help to raise the quality and efficiency of work on the development of the speech of preschoolers with maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of each child.

Creating conditions for the full development of children's speech provides for:

Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment;

Purposeful work of educators and narrow specialists on the speech development of children in all types of children's activities;

Increasing the professional growth of teachers in matters of speech development of preschoolers;

Creation of paid additional services for the development of children's speech;

The study of the state of oral speech of children;

Participation of parents in the speech education of children.

To successfully solve the problems of stimulating speech development in the group, an appropriate developmental environment should be created: a sufficiently lit place for a book corner is chosen, the corner is replenished with new colorful books with children's folklore, large illustrations for nursery rhymes. The group should have didactic games for the development of children's speech:“Dress the doll according to the season”, “Who screams how?”, “Who lives where”, “Tell a story”, etc.,which are actively used in the classroom and free speech activity. There is a theater corner in which a variety of types of theaters: puppet, finger, table. The bright attractive environment attracts the attention of children and they are happy to find activities of interest.

To provide real and full assistance in the development of speech of children of 2-3 years of age, we are helped by special methods of stimulating speech activity.

Self-talk.For example, when a particular child is close to you, manipulating toys or just sitting thoughtfully, you can start talking out loud about what you see, hear, think, feel. You need to speak slowly (but without stretching the words) and clearly, in short, simple sentences - accessible to the perception of the child.For example: "Where is the cup?", "I see a cup", "The cup is on the table", "There is milk in the cup", "Tanya drinks milk", etc.

parallel conversation.This technique differs from the previous one in that we describe all the actions of the child: what he sees, hears, feels, touches. Using "parallel conversation", we seem to prompt the child with words that express his experience, words that he will later begin to use on his own.

Provocation, or artificial misunderstanding of the child.This technique helps the child to master situational speech and consists in the fact that we are not in a hurry to show our understanding, but temporarily become "deaf", not understanding.For example, if a child points to a shelf with toys, looks pleadingly, and we understand well what he needs at the moment, and give him ... the wrong toy. Of course, the first reaction of the child will be indignation at your dullness, but this will also be the first motive that stimulates the child to name the object he needs. If a problem arises, you can prompt the child: “I don’t understand what youDo you want: a pussy, a doll car?In such situations, the child willingly activates his speech capabilities, feeling much smarter than an adult. This technique is effective not only for naming objects, but also for verbally denoting actions performed with them.

Spreading. We continue and supplement everything said by the child, but do not force him to repeat - it is quite enough that he hears you.For example: Child: "Soup." Adult: "Vegetable soup is very tasty", "The soup is eaten spoon." Responding to children with common sentences, we gradually lead him to complete his thought, and, accordingly, prepare the ground for mastering contextual speech.

Sentences. The use of game songs, nursery rhymes, sentences in joint activities with children gives them great joy. Accompanying the actions of the child with words contributes to the involuntary learning of his ability to listen to the sounds of speech, to catch its rhythm, individual sound combinations and gradually penetrate into their meaning. Everyone knows that carrying out certain routine processes causes a negative attitude in kids. Here, in order for the children to wash, eat, undress, getting ready for bed, with pleasure, and one should resort to nursery rhymes.So, while washing, we use the nursery rhyme “Clean water, washes Anya face"". While laying down to sleep, "Bayu, bayushki, bayu."

Rhythmic words cause joy in the children, they get rid of the feeling of anxiety, homesickness, mother.

The nursery rhyme is able to correct the behavior of children, create a good mood in them. That is why you need to try so that the nursery rhyme accompanies the whole life of the kids, tunes them in a major way. Having learned to distinguish the variability of amusing sound combinations, children, imitating adults, begin to play with words, sounds, phrases, capturing the specifics of the sound of their native speech, its expressiveness, imagery. Most of the works of oral folk art were created with the aim of developing the motor activity of the child, which is closely connected with the formation of speech activity. The more small and complex finger movements a child performs, the more parts of the brain are included in the work, because it is directly connected with the hands, or rather, crosswise: with the right hand - the left hemisphere, and with the left - the right.

The important value of folklore works is that they satisfy the child's need for emotional and tactile (touching, stroking) contact with adults.

Choice. Giving your child a choice is another way. The formation of responsibility begins from the moment when the child is allowed to play an active role in what concerns him personally. The exercise of the possibility of choice gives him a sense of his own significance and self-worth.For example: "Would you like to pour half a glass of milk or a whole glass?", "Would you like a whole apple or half?", "Do you want to play with a doll or a teddy bear?".

Substitution. "Imagine that ..." - these words are filled with a special attractive force for the child. At the age of two or three years, the child imagines with pleasure that the cube is a pie, and the shoe box is an oven. At this age, children also really like pantomime games, which activate the curiosity and observation of the child.You can involve children in such a game with the help of a sentence question: "Guess what I'm doing now."It is preferable to start with elementary actions: comb your hair, brush your teeth, eat an apple, pour milk, read a book.

Pantomime games and imitation games are the first step in theatrical and role-playing games.

Games-manipulation: the train is buzzing - woo; hide and seek - a-y; search for an object -ku-ku; geese-ha-ha-ha; mice - wee-wee-weelead to double syllables.

Role-playing game . For example, playing on the phone, when a child, using a toy device, can call mom, dad, grandmother, fairy-tale characters. Playing on the phone stimulates the child's speech development, builds self-confidence, and increases communicative competence.

Music games.The importance of musical games in the speech development of a child can hardly be overestimated. Kids sing along with pleasure, adore noise musical instruments, ritual games such as "Loaf", "Over the bumps", "Baba sowed peas", etc.

One of the most effective ways of a child's speech development, which enriches the baby's vocabulary, develops his auditory perception and stimulates speech activity, is reading him children's books. When reading works, all means of expressiveness of speech are used: facial expressions, gestures, voice power, timbre, emotionality, because children are not just responsive to the emotional behavior of adults, they show emotional sensitivity to all the actions of the teacher.

In the classroom, the technique of staging a work is used with the help of pictures, screens, toys. With their help, you can achieve the ultimate understanding of the content. Toddlers should see a consistent chain of events described in the text. In this case, children catch the relationship, begin to understand the cause-and-effect relationships arising from the content of the text.

At work, you need to useacceptance of effective participation.It is designed for the active entry of children into the action unfolding before their eyes.Children are offered to call, for example, a cockerel, to water the chickens, to put them on bird branches. The reception of effective complicity helps the child to become, as it were, an accomplice in the events in question.

The inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process is the most important condition for the full-fledged speech development of the child. As you know, the educational impact consists of two interrelated processes - the organization of various forms of assistance to parents and content-pedagogical work with the child. This approach to raising children in a preschool educational institution ensures the continuity of pedagogical influence. The most important condition for continuity is the establishment of a trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the positions of parents and teachers are corrected.

All stimulation techniques are carried out: under the condition of a good mood in a child and an adult; in a playful way, fun and funny; accompanied by smiles, kisses and various sounds.

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the baby to start talking. And it should be remembered that in order for a child to have an incentive to speak, he must have someone next to him with whom he can do this. And we, adults, must make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

The infancy period is over, and now yesterday's baby begins to slowly try to speak. This means that soon it will be possible to conduct almost full-fledged conversations with the child! We tell you how to stimulate speech at an early age, maintain dialogue, hone the necessary skills, and also how not to miss a delay in speech development in children.

There are three basic rules to help stimulate speech at an early age and work for almost all babies with rare exceptions.

  • Rule one: stop baby talk

We leave cooing and cooing with the baby for moments of tenderness and games. And in ordinary life, you can already stop cute sentences and structure the speech addressed to the future speaker. As soon as it turns out that the child really understands the words, one must begin to use this: ask to bring a book, show where the cat is, invite the children to go to the table together. "Baby talk" is no longer relevant: the child began to pay attention to words and associate them with objects and actions.

  • Rule two: be simple and concise

In conversations with the baby, one should use simple words, short phrases of direct construction, avoid verbosity, flowery phrases, allegories and associations. The fewer words (and the more familiar words), the easier it is to understand the addressed speech. It is necessary to speak slowly and clearly, accompanying phrases with gestures and facial expressions and, in fact, imagining yourself among foreigners who have not fully learned the Russian language.

  • Rule Three: Become Storytellers

In this sensitive period, when speech is just beginning to form, each mother intuitively feels that she now has the function of an akyn (poet-improviser). Literally - the method "what I see, I sing" works for children, although sometimes it is tiring for parents. Telling what is happening around: “Here is a dog! The dog is big, red. The dog ran, where? Out of the house, for a walk,” we help children learn the structure of speech, enrich it, create connections between verbs, nouns, adjectives, and give objects signs.

It is also important to act as a "translator" of the actions and desires of the baby, especially if the speech of an early age is not yet expressed or the child still prefers to communicate non-verbally. For example, if the baby comes up and raises his arms, wanting to be picked up, it is worth voicing this: “Lena wants her mother to take her in her arms. Take it in your arms, mom!

This, of course, sounds a little strange and sometimes causes a smile from others: talking about yourself in the third person. But those who know that young children do not immediately have the concept of pronouns, associating “you, me, we, you” with the right people and situations, understand and fully support the efforts of parents who say about themselves “Mom / dad, take me to pens".

It is important not only to speak. The practice of speech, especially speech of an early age, includes not only perception, but also the activation of the conversation process. What's the point of telling a kid if everything has already been said for him? Encourage verbalization of requests, first by saying them, then gently inviting the child to say, and not just poke a finger.

Another important aspect is the ability to listen. Yes, it is not always clear whether children are just chatting, training to make sounds and enjoying a personally created noise background, or trying to express something with these sounds. But if you listen carefully and study what gestures, facial expressions are accompanied by certain repetitive sets of sounds and syllables, then you can easily isolate almost real words denoting objects and actions.

Although sometimes in the vocabulary of babies there are up to 40 meanings of the word “ba” and 38 - the word “ka”, but this is already progress, because a silent baby only points his finger and whimpers, and such an action can have thousands of reasons.

Therefore, if a special “ka” is pronounced next to the swing, encourage him to speak more, show that he has been heard. "Yes, it's a swing! Vitya will swing. And avoid using the same children's words in a speech addressed to a child, no matter how funny “mizya” instead of “snake” sounds, you need to follow the correct pronunciation. And “mizyu” can be written down in a diary or photo album and later recall with tenderness the time when the baby had not yet chatted so actively.

Another important aspect in stimulating speech at an early age is parental patience. Children learn to speak at different speeds, some talk about how scary pterodactyls are by the age of one and a half, others at two years still use a dictionary of 40 words “ba”. Continuing to talk to your child without stopping the learning process is very important. Even if speech is somewhat delayed against the background of peers, a rich passive vocabulary is formed at this time. However, if concerns really arise, it is worth voicing them to a pediatrician or neurologist.

All parents want their children to develop successfully in the right direction, and if something is wrong, they want to help them as soon as possible. But determining latency can be tricky, especially for new parents.

The correct method is to familiarize yourself with the important stages of development and control the coincidence of dates. For example, most children begin to walk around the age of one year, and the majority of toddlers learn speech around the age of two. However, there is a wide range of normality when it comes to developmental milestones. Some babies walk on their own as early as nine months old. Others don't take their first steps until 16 months. Both extremes are within the relative norm.

It is also important to remember that normal development is progress. In other words, babies begin to make vowel sounds, vocalize, walk - and this is the first stage of speech. Over time, babies add more sounds. Later, the child coordinates certain sounds, their combinations and surrounding objects, and eventually begins to speak.

Speaking words and sentences should also show steady progress: most children start with single words and phrases before moving on to multi-word sentences, and sentences become paragraphs. If at any moment development does not proceed according to a progressive pattern, it seems to parents that the process is beginning to regress, roll back, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It's not uncommon for a child to suddenly "forget" a certain skill, such as rolling over, for a short time, but the sudden cessation of communication is not abnormal for a toddler who was already muttering something.

A pediatrician who constantly monitors a child can help track development and identify delays in the process. In fact, this is the main purpose of regular preventive visits to the doctor. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the examination schedule and accumulate information about the child's social interaction, physical skills, and cognitive development. Feel free to ask questions if you feel like something is going wrong. Parents see their child orders of magnitude more often and longer than any specialist, and are often the first to spot a problem. So, if your intuition tells you that something is wrong with your baby's speech or in other areas of activity, it is wise to get a professional opinion.

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