Predictions of the witch Olga for the year. Predictions about Ukraine

Hoping that the next year will be much more successful and fun, people often even turn to such sources of information as psychics, astrologers and even witches, because if the authorities give any data regarding this issue, then they can be considered vague, while people with extrasensory abilities give more specific and, often, reliable data. Particularly popular are predictions of the witch Olga for 2017, which has become famous for its accurate forecasts regarding the future of Russia and Ukraine, so it’s definitely worth studying them

Olga is a hereditary Kharkov witch - a soothsayer who, as unusual as it seemed today, did not take part in any serious shows about psychics, and she is not as famous as Julia Wang, but at the same time her forecasts are deservedly popular among the population precisely because they are truthful. She hides information about her biography and personal life, for the same reason nothing is known about where she got the gift of foresight, and because of this, the most heated debates often flare up among her fans about the veracity of her words. There are skeptics who claim that she does not have a psychic gift, and when making her forecasts, she simply uses analytical thinking; in any case, everyone must decide for themselves whether to believe or not believe her words.

What awaits the Russians?

Discussingpredictions of the witch Olga for 2017 for Russia , we need to pay special attention to the fact that the country is facing quite difficult times, and they will affect not only the lives of ordinary citizens, but also the political and economic sphere of life of the population.Perhaps, closer to the end of the year, the situation will improve significantly, but a lot of time will still pass before the final normalization of all current events. In the near future, Vladimir Putin will assemble a new team, which, by introducing various reforms, will normalize the stability of the foreign exchange market and the state of the economic system, which will lead to Russia reaching a new level. It is expected to become a superpower in the near future, as a result of which it will have good relations with America, India and East Asia, so we can expect things to improve for the Russians in the near future.

Forecast for Ukraine for 2017

Regarding the forecast for Ukrainians, the most telling thing iswitch Olga about the southeast of Ukraine 2017 , apparently, this is due to the fact that this information is considered especially relevant, because the conflict in Donbass has been going on for several years, and everyone is at least wondering when they can expect it to end. The witch believes that the residents of the southeastern part of the country will not have to expect peace in the near future, so she has practically nothing to console the Ukrainians in this case. The reason for this is that a huge number of Ukrainians do not want to put up with each other, because there is turmoil in their hearts, therefore, until they hear their loved ones and relatives and stop going to war against each other, there can be no talk of ending the conflict . By the way, the witch mentions Russia’s role in regulating this conflict, and she says that the Russian authorities will do everything so that the conflict can be resolved peacefully, without compromising the security of their country personally. Perhaps when this happens in history, a new stage in the development of relations between these two countries will begin, the result of which will be warm, friendly, mutually developing relations.

All in all,predictions of the witch Olga about Donbass for 2017 cannot be called too optimistic, because no one is talking about the end of the conflict now. However, the fortuneteller emphasizes that the development of the conflict, or rather its cessation today depends on the Ukrainians themselves, so that every person in Ukraine can improve their life themselves.

What's next for the economy?

Naturally, after the start of the military conflict, the economic power of the country weakened a little, and if you believe Olga’s words, then the people got used to poor living conditions, because they endure all this for the sake of a “good” goal (no one talks about what goal can be called good) . However, sooner or later, the absence of a normal economic system may cause a significant increase in the number of mass protests, andprophecies of the witch Olga for 2017they say that if the situation does not normalize in the future, then we can expect mass protests, the consequences of which can become truly unpredictable.

In general, in the next decade the situation in Ukraine will normalize, because people will understand that they themselves are capable of influencing their future and will begin to fight this, as a result of which the country will become some kind of example for the successful development of other countries.

2016 is finally coming to an end. For the residents of Donbass, it became another difficult test. Many hope that the New Year 2017 will bring positive changes. Despite the crisis in world politics, people do not lose hope of breaking out of the shackles of lies from officials and starting to build a new, happy life in their native land. Any difficult period will end sooner or later, but everyone wants to know the truth when the war ends in order to plan their future. Therefore, many clairvoyants are ready to tell their visions of what will happen to Donbass in 2017. For your attention, forecasts for 2017 from the strongest psychics:

  • Vera Lyon,
  • witch Olga Chernaya,
  • Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya,
  • Pavel Globa,
  • Julia Wang.

What awaits Donbass in 2017 – Julia Wang

This clairvoyant adequately demonstrated her abilities in the “Battle of Psychics 2014” project. Julia Wang has always amazed me with the accuracy and truthfulness of her predictions. She is very concerned about the latest events in Donbass, so special attention is paid to this topic. So, what awaits this territory, according to Julia in 2017: “The Ukrainian authorities will agree to reconciliation with Donbass in the form of a special status. Soon the government will change, with which most citizens will be happy. This will be the reason for establishing international relations with the Russian Federation.”

Prophecy from the witch Olga

The Kharkov hereditary witch Olga is not as famous as, for example, Pavel Globa or Wang. But they began to listen to the prophecies of the sorceress after she accurately predicted the future of Russia for 2014-15. Last year, the soothsayer promised to strengthen the strength of the republics of the LPR and DPR, as well as the beginning of the restoration of infrastructure. The East will not return to the rule of the Ukrainian government. Moscow will not be able to annex these territories. The military conflict will subside by the fall of 2016, and in 2017 the bloodshed will end and peaceful life will gradually improve in Donbass.

What Vera Lyon says about this

This fragile woman is called the Kazakh Vanga, as she is a woman of few words, but what she said comes true with an exact probability up to one day. Vera Lyon first became known in 2014 for her predictions about Ukraine, although several of her prophecies never came true. Here are the new predictions about Donbass from the Kazakh seer: “All regions of the region (LPR and DPR) will reunite into a separate state, not under the control of the Kyiv government.” Unfortunately, Vera saw nothing more. Let's hope that in 2017, she will be more verbose.

What future does Pavel Globa predict?

This legendary astrologer needs no introduction. For several decades, he has been exciting the minds of millions of people around the world with his truthful predictions. Of course, there are several unfulfilled prophecies in his practice, but the main events were accurately described by the prophet 3 to 5 years in advance. Here is what Pavel said about the fate of Donbass: “Only a strong leader who will come from among new politicians will stop the bloody massacre in the East of Ukraine. Thanks to his tough character and pro-Russian position, he will have enormous popular support. But the current arrangement of celestial bodies indicates that this person will not appear soon. Therefore, the conflict in Donbass will last for several years, although there will be no more harsh military actions.”

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya – Donbass 2017

In 2016, a clairvoyant predicted that the LPR and DPR would leave the control of Russia and Ukraine, which would result in a state of “freezing.” In her opinion, peace will come only after one of the warring parties makes significant concessions, for which they are not yet ready. Therefore, the conflict will last a long time. For 2017, Vasilisa announced the following astrological forecast for Donbass: economic instability, natural disasters and oppression from Western states.

What to really expect?

As you can see, each psychic has his own vision of the fate of Donbass for 2017. Judging by recent events, neither side is willing to give up their positions and make concessions. The forecast from the strongest psychics showed that a truce should not be expected in the near future. The conflict is temporarily “frozen” until political leaders come to power who will care not about the throne and wealth, but about the people of their country.

Ahead is the Year of the Red Fire Rooster, which symbolizes the superiority of light and life over darkness and death, purification and renewal. Therefore, all our troubles and adversities must turn into ashes, and we will begin a new, happy life free from lies. We hope this will happen! Wait and see…

The predictions of the Kharkov witch Olga are in high demand, as she gives accurate forecasts. The hereditary soothsayer was not a participant in the psychic show. Information about her biography and personal life is hidden from public attention. It also remains unknown where the witch Olga got the gift of predicting the future.

What awaits Russia in 2017?

According to the clairvoyant's predictions, 2017 will not be an easy year for Russia. The main difficulties affect the lives of ordinary citizens, the political and economic development of the country. It should be noted that at the end of the year, the difficult situation in Russia will change significantly for the better. However, for political and economic life to thoroughly normalize, a lot of time must pass. Soothsayer Olga says that in 2017 Vladimir Putin will be assembling a new team. It will introduce various reforms, which, in turn, will lead to stabilization of the foreign exchange market. Witch Olga believes that Russia will soon reach a completely new level. The country, having gone through a difficult path, will become a superpower. Relations with such countries as America, Germany, India, and the countries of East Asia will improve. Consequently, life for Russian citizens will improve in the near future.

How can the situation in Ukraine change?

As for Ukraine, the witch Olga mentions the southeast of the country in her predictions. The conflict in Donbass has been going on for several years. The question of when it will be resolved worries a large number of citizens. According to the witch Olga, calm will not come soon in the southeast. This is due to the fact that the majority of Ukrainians do not want to put up with each other. Until the residents of Ukraine find a common language with each other, the conflict will remain unfinished. The witch Olga claims that Russia has a key function in resolving the conflict that has arisen. The Russian authorities are capable of making every effort to ensure that disagreements are resolved peacefully and safely for the citizens of Ukraine. The resolution of the conflict will contribute to the development of a new stage in international relations between Ukraine and Russia. After the outbreak of the military conflict, the economic life of Ukraine is in decline. If the economic situation does not improve in the near future, then cases of mass protests will become more frequent. The absence of positive dynamics in the economy over a long period of time can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The fortuneteller is confident that the policy of the President of Ukraine will continue to remain uncertain. The head of state will also strive to resolve issues using ambiguous methods, thereby aggravating an already difficult situation. In the second half of 2017, the ruling coalition will collapse. By the end of spring 2017, all the conflicts that have broken out will subside for a while, but not completely. By the summer of 2017, there is a high probability of slight economic growth. However, residents of Ukraine will not experience significant improvements in the economic situation.

World situation

As for the predictions of the situation in the world as a whole, the witch Olga says that a series of disasters of a man-made, transport, and political nature are coming. The highest probability of occurrence of such disasters occurs in such months as February, May, June, October, November.

A large number of residents of Russia and Ukraine became interested in the prophecies of the witch Olga. It is not for nothing that such a saying prevails among the people - forewarned is forearmed. If you follow Olga’s prophecy, then 2017 is a period of serious changes and a complete rethinking of life. In order for the set goal to be achieved, it is necessary to take fate into your own hands, without waiting for “manna from heaven.”

Olga is a very strong witch originally from Kharkov. She did not find much popularity, but she became well known for her abilities in narrow circles. Olga repeatedly made truthful forecasts and openly shared them with everyone. Therefore, people began to flood her with letters with questions about the future, because everyone wanted to learn more about the important predictions of the Witch Olga for Ukraine and the South-East for 2019.

The witch says that often her words do not correspond to what people want to hear. They even hate her for this. Some say that a woman simply has analytical thinking, but she actually does not have any gift. Anyone can say this, but throughout all this time Olga made many predictions, which ultimately came true and shocked those around her, because no one expected such a development of events.

What fate is in store for the southeast?

The situation in the southeast is an extremely pressing issue, because the fighting there is still ongoing. Witch Olga about the South-East of Ukraine in 2019 says that peace will not be seen on this land for at least another couple of years. The lands will continue to be destroyed by bloody and fratricidal confrontation. The aggressor will not stop his attempts to take away part of the Ukrainian lands. The final word in this confrontation will be with the residents of Donbass.

Some residents of Donbass have long left their lands, but there are also those who remained to live here. It is these people who endure bullying, impunity, raider takeovers, robberies and other phenomena. And it is these people who must decide in which country they want to live. There are two ways:

  1. Residents of Donbass will unite and take the side of Ukraine. The aggressor will try to influence people using force and fear, but there is no need to be afraid of this. Then the enemies will retreat, and peace and prosperity will come to the Ukrainian lands.
  2. People can join Russia. Then Ukraine will face collapse, because neighboring countries are unlikely to miss the opportunity to grab a small part of the weakened state. Of the former lands, only the central part will remain, which no one will consider as a full-fledged country.

The Witch herself believes that Ukrainians will face the first scenario. All this will be accompanied by unabated bloodshed, constant conflicts and political struggle.

New government

Predictions for Ukraine 2019 from the witch Olga say that people will live poorly until new people come to power. Prices for utilities, food, household appliances, non-food products and all types of services will constantly increase due to high inflation rates. All this will be reinforced by the costs of the war in the southeast and other difficulties. Only a new leader who will look at the situation in a new way can solve them.

The new leader is a simple person from the people who do not know fame, wealth and greed. It turns out that corruption is alien to him. His principles, ideas and desires will change the structure of the state for the better. This will take more than one year, but in the end Ukraine will become a high-tech country with a developed economy, industry and medicine.

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As for the current authorities, the witch promises that they will get what they deserve. But now people must learn to communicate with the authorities. This is the only way to achieve at least some changes. Now people are very dissatisfied with the actions of the current authorities. They take to the streets and organize protests, pickets, and rallies. But such actions should not lead to a new revolution, otherwise the country will be on the brink of collapse and nothing will save it.

What will happen to Crimea?

The witch says that Ukraine will no longer be able to regain the Crimean lands. They were irretrievably lost. But Russia will not rule the peninsula for long. Soon an economic crisis will also begin in Russia, and its government will simply forget about Crimea. Life on the peninsula and its infrastructure will get worse. Then Türkiye will become interested in him and take him under its wing. Crimea will flourish and remain part of Turkey forever. This will be the new and most popular holiday destination in all of Europe. At the same time, Ukrainians should not grieve for the lost peninsula. They must move on and develop without these lands, because the country still has enormous potential and opportunities.

In fact, the witch Olga says a lot about Ukraine. But at the same time, she warns that this will be a really difficult year for which you need to be prepared. The economic situation will still be unstable and this will greatly affect the lives of Ukrainians. The witch reminds you that there are a lot of enemies around. Ukraine must quickly determine which countries actually wish it well and who are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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