Hit! Rules for the fastest diet in the world! The best diet: reviews and results. The best diet in the world Menu for body types

To get rid of extra pounds, you can sweat in the gym, or you can give up and say that there should be a lot of good people, but laurels are still far away. But you can do it more rationally. Fortunately, this is why there are modern diets that are effective for losing weight at home. These are exactly the ones collected in our top 10.

All effective diets for losing weight up to 10 kg on this list were developed or approved by professional nutritionists. We'll cover not only their basic principles, but also the short- and long-term effects on your health.

10. Dukan Diet

Developed by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan and consists of four steps.

  1. The first stage or “attack phase” is the first seven days. It includes foods high in protein (meat, eggs, fish, beef by-products, lean poultry, etc.) and oat bran. This helps activate your metabolism and kickstart the weight loss process. At this time, it takes from 1 to 6 kilograms.
  2. The second stage is called the “Cruise” phase and can last for months. During this time you eat lots and lots of vegetables and oat bran.
  3. The third stage is called “Consolidation”. It lasts 5 days for each kilogram lost, and includes meals with high levels of protein and low levels of carbohydrates.
  4. The final stage is the stabilization of results when you follow the rules of stage 1 once a week, throughout your life.

Short term effectiveness

As with most popular weight loss diets, people on the Dukan diet lose weight very quickly. Especially during the first phase, since the body is limited in carbohydrates.

Long term effectiveness

Many people quickly become bored with limiting their choice of products. The Dukan diet is strict, and animal proteins place a high burden on the kidneys. Even healthy people are not recommended to stick to it for a long time. And people with kidney problems are better off choosing a more gentle diet.

Ease of use

The Dukan diet has a lot of rules and a long list of prohibited and permitted foods. As you move from phase to phase, it's easy to forget which foods you can't eat. Many will find it difficult to give up salt and sugar.

The idea behind this diet is that by eating the foods that our caveman ancestors ate, we will not only lose weight, but also improve our health. This is sometimes called the stone age diet. It includes: fish, meat and poultry, nuts, fruits, rhizomes and vegetables. Although no one is sure that our Paleolithic ancestors ate wild grains or legumes.

The author of the diet, American gastroenterologist Walter Vogtlin, believes that our digestive system has not changed over many thousands of years. Therefore, eating what was not in the diet of primitive people - processed foods, dairy products, potatoes, etc. we gain weight and suffer from obesity-related diseases.

Short term effectiveness

Many people are enthusiastic about the "cave style", especially after losing the first pounds. However, for an unprepared body, a sudden switch to raw vegetables can lead to digestive upset. To avoid this, it is better to eat steamed vegetables for the first 2-3 weeks. They are easier to digest.

Long term effectiveness

Unfortunately, most people find it very difficult to live without familiar foods such as salt, bread, sugar, coffee and alcohol. People often get bored or tired of the complexity of this plan and try to "cheat" by, for example, drinking a small cup of coffee in the morning.

Ease of use

Paleo meals can usually be planned ahead of time since they are prepared at home from scratch. However, some people find this very inconvenient.

Perhaps the simplest diet for weight loss. It involves intermittent fasting or periods of food restriction to help you naturally cut calories and lose weight.

The idea is that for 2 consecutive days a week, you simply limit your calories to 500 calories (for women) or 600 calories (for men).

Short term effectiveness

A very effective diet, but only if you do not overeat after the fasting period ends.

Long term effectiveness

Most people find this diet difficult to maintain in the long term.

Ease of use

A difficult diet for those who do not like to scrupulously calculate the number of calories in food.

This very popular diet was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. It is based on alternating proteins and carbohydrates.

You will need 6 colored food containers, which need to be filled with one type of product every day. Exceptions are fried foods, salt and sugar. They need to be reduced to a minimum.

  • 1 day - fish (baked or steamed);
  • Day 2 - vegetables (any except potatoes);
  • Day 3 - chicken;
  • Day 4 – cereals;
  • Day 5 - cottage cheese;
  • Day 6 - fruits (it is better to limit bananas).

Day 7 is a fasting day, eat the same foods as on days 1-6, combining them, or give your body a fasting day. You can't swap days. Liquids should be drunk up to 2 liters per day.

People who hate counting calories, weighing food, or counting carbohydrates find this diet the best for losing weight quickly.

Short term effectiveness

This plan is very effective when it comes to losing weight quickly.

Long term effectiveness

Although the diet can be repeated if necessary, many people get tired of having to eat only one type of food.

Ease of use

A fairly simple diet.

You are allowed to eat up to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day and at the same time lean on protein and vegetable foods.

This diet appears on all the lists of the most effective weight loss diets because it works for most people.

Short term effectiveness

The weight will go down as the body loses water in the first few days and even weeks.

Long term effectiveness

This diet can be continued indefinitely.

Ease of use

Does not require special products or equipment. Counting carbs becomes second nature within a few weeks.

This meal plan is becoming more popular every day. It's essentially a very low-carb diet, but its focus is higher in fat rather than higher in protein.

The essence of the ketogenic diet is to increase the content of ketone bodies in the body, which will be used as fuel. To do this, you need to strictly limit carbohydrates to 20-30 grams per day.

Short term effectiveness

This plan is extremely effective as consuming 20 grams of carbohydrates results in rapid weight loss.

Long term effectiveness

As with any restrictive diet, people get bored or feel like they're missing out on their favorite foods. There are no real calorie restrictions on the keto diet, so while it's difficult, some people eat more than they should. And this does not promote weight loss.

However, this type of diet has received high marks from health experts as it has numerous health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and lowering blood sugar levels.

Ease of use

Quite easy, as it does not require the purchase of special dietary supplements or special products.

Moderate consumption of protein and fat, as well as limiting carbohydrates to 40 grams or less per day, are the main components of this diet. On this diet, Kim Kardashian lost 30 kilograms after giving birth. The list of food products is almost unlimited.

Short term effectiveness

Most people start losing weight from day one. The body loses water and then begins to burn fat to replenish energy reserves.

Long term effectiveness

As you get closer to your goal weight, you can slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume. However, many people lose interest in the diet before this stage.

Ease of use

Most people follow the Atkins diet plan without problems.

Three basic rules of this diet:

  1. Drink 250 milliliters of filtered or artesian water before each meal (snacks also count).
  2. Reduce the amount of each serving by half compared to the usual amount.
  3. Exclude fried foods, smoked meats, pickles, and foods with quickly digestible carbohydrates from the menu.

Short term effectiveness

In two weeks on such a diet you can lose 10-14 kilograms.

Long term effectiveness

Since no serious dietary restrictions are required, for many people such a diet becomes a habit. Although you may have to take water with you on the road.

Ease of use

One of the simplest diets available. No need to count calories.

The idea for this diet plan came from cardiologist Arthur Agatston and nutritionist Marie Almon. It was originally developed for heart failure patients in the United States.

There is no calorie counting and no portion restrictions. The essence of the diet is to replace “bad fats” (saturated and trans fats) with “good” ones (unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids). Sources of carbohydrates that lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels are also excluded. These sources include grains and highly refined sugar.

In particular, you can eat lean fish, lean meat, nuts, moderate amounts of red wine and beer, but only during Oktoberfest (Agatston was from Hamburg and loved this holiday very much).

Short term effectiveness

A very effective dietary strategy that allows you to get rid of 7-10 extra pounds in a couple of weeks.

Long term effectiveness

Such a diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, which makes it similar to the first number on our list. In a sense, it continues throughout life, as it leads to a revision of eating habits.

Ease of use

The first two-week stage of the diet is quite difficult, as it consists of a strict restriction of all types of sugars. And these include fruits.

At the second stage it is already easier, since fruits are acceptable.

1. Mediterranean diet

If you watch diet talk shows on television, you've probably heard many doctors talk about the excellence of the Mediterranean diet. This meal plan is based on the diets of those living in Greece, Italy and Spain. It consists of a large amount of vegetables, olives, olive oil, fish, dry red wine (a glass with meals) and whole grains.

Olive oil replaces regular fats (like butter) in almost every dish, and vegetables are the key to success. Chicken eggs and animal meat are acceptable, but in very small quantities.

Short term effectiveness

The Mediterranean diet works great when people control the number and size of their portions. This is the most effective diet for losing weight by 10 kg or more. Not in two days, and not even in two weeks, but without harm, and for a long time.

Long term effectiveness

Numerous studies have shown that people lose weight and keep it off while following this diet plan, especially if they follow it for many years. Spanish researchers from the University of Rovira and Virgili reported that using a Mediterranean diet, combined with physical activity, reduces weight by at least 5% of initial body weight over a year. Glucose absorption also improves and the positive dynamics persist over time.

Ease of use

This diet can be difficult for many people because there are no guidelines on how many calories to consume for any given weight. You will need to find out this yourself empirically.

Before using any of the diets described above, you should consult your doctor. Dietary restrictions can be dangerous for people with liver disease, kidney disease, gastritis and other ailments.

Excess weight is a pressing problem for many women and men. The best diets for weight loss, the most popular and effective, help solve it. There are many nutritional systems for weight loss, so each person will be able to choose an option for themselves, taking into account their personal characteristics. Get acquainted with the most famous weight loss methods, which are time-tested and have the most positive reviews.

What diets are there?

Currently, there are many nutritional systems for weight loss and their list is constantly updated. All of them are aimed at weight loss, but they differ in diet, duration, and expected results. The most effective diets for weight loss can be divided into several categories:

  1. Mono-diets. The diet consists of one or two products, always low-calorie. Mono-diets are difficult to tolerate, but they give a good boost.
  2. Protein. Based on the exclusion of carbohydrates. Effective and relatively safe methods, although the diet is not completely balanced. Protein weight loss is difficult for some people.
  3. Low calorie. They suggest a strict caloric intake, but a varied diet.
  4. Low carb. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is kept to a minimum.
  5. Low fat. Limit fat intake.
  6. Cleansing. Eating foods that help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  7. By blood type. Take into account the physiological needs of a person. They are balanced and safe, but they are not suitable for everyone, because, in addition to the blood type, each of us has a lot of other characteristics.
  8. Soup. Based on the consumption of hot and cold first courses.
  9. Express diets. They expect to lose weight in a few days. Weight returns quickly after express methods. They are effective, but can cause harm to the body.
  10. Drinkable. Drinking water, juices, tea, and other drinks.
  11. Interval. Eating different foods at regular intervals. There are no restrictions on calories or number of meals. An interval nutrition system will not be effective without physical activity.

Rating of diets by effectiveness

There are many nutritional systems in each category, but not all of them are equally effective. So that you understand what effect to expect from one or another of them, check out the top, compiled taking into account numerous reviews of those losing weight:

Diet group


Expected weight loss result (kg)


7 per Attack period, 1 per week during Alternation


For 14 days

Low calorie


7-10 in 21 days

Two-week salt-free

Traffic light

2 every 7 days

Swedish "6 petals"

5-6 in 6 days


from 6 in 2 weeks

Low carb


0.7-1 per 7 days

100 g per day

1 in 7 days

up to 10 in 14 days

Low fat

4 in 10 days

Fruit and vegetable

4 per week


18-25 in 3 months

5 per week

By blood type

3-5 in 2 months




700-800 g per day

2-3 per week

3 in 7 days


Up to 5 per week

On soup with asparagus and spinach


On broccoli soup with arugula



20 and more





5 per week


1 per day



1 per day

0.5 per day

For weight loss

Any nutritional system for reducing body weight involves changing your diet and lifestyle for a given period of time. The task of every person trying to lose weight is to choose one that will bring him the expected result and will not harm the body. You need to approach this very responsibly, study the rules, the list of contraindications. The best diet should not cause even the slightest discomfort.


This category includes the best methods, the diet of which is as balanced as possible. The menu should be composed of products that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the excretion of useful substances from the body. As a rule, the diet includes recipes with vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. List of healthy and safe diets for the body:

  • vegetable;
  • oatmeal;
  • on porridge;
  • chemical;
  • paleo;
  • gluten-free;
  • Osama Hamdiy;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dr. Kovalkov;
  • vitamin and protein;
  • Montignac;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation.


The methods from this list are usually chosen by those people who need real results. They are well known, time-tested and many have lost weight. List of the most popular nutrition systems for weight loss:

  1. Kremlevskaya. Each product is assigned a certain number of points. You are allowed to “eat” a maximum of 40 points per day. In 7 days, the “Kremlevka” removes up to 5 kg. Preference is given to delicious fish and meat dishes. The technique is effective, but has a number of contraindications and will not appeal to people who value variety in their diet.
  2. Japanese. Salt-free food with a large list of prohibited foods. Good for health, but the blandness of the food makes it difficult to follow.
  3. Separate meals. It is based on the fact that foods can be eaten in any quantity, but carbohydrates cannot be mixed with proteins. Some foods are strictly prohibited. It is easier to adhere to the weight loss method using special product compatibility tables. The method is effective, but it is difficult to get used to eating according to it.


The list of power systems is replenished almost every day, some of them are forgotten, and new ones reach the peak of popularity. Several types of such weight loss techniques:

  1. Fractional meals. This technique is followed by many Hollywood beauties, including Charlize Theron. The bottom line is to eat food every 2.5-3 hours, and the last three meals are only raw vegetables and proteins. The serving size is no larger than the palm of your hand. A very safe method for losing weight, with virtually no disadvantages.
  2. Dr. Horvath's nutritional system. This scheme is very non-standard; it allows you to eat legumes and combine meat with potatoes. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg in 7 days. You need to eat protein foods with minimal fat content, green vegetables, and unsweetened fruits.
  3. Grapefruit. An excellent option for those who want not only to lose weight, but also immediately tighten their body. Grapefruits, eaten throughout the week, are good for the body. Salt, sugar, fast food, ready-made semi-finished products, and other harmful foods should be excluded. The grapefruit system is very effective, but it has many contraindications.


It is worth noting that now an increasing number of diets are being developed in such a way as to have a gentle effect on the body. If earlier express options were more popular, now preference is given to those nutrition systems that are aimed at long-term but sustainable results. Here are some examples:

  1. 5 tablespoons. A balanced system that limits the maximum daily amount of food. 5 tablespoons is the ideal amount of food to satisfy hunger and replenish energy reserves. The minimum time interval between meals is 3 hours. There are few prohibited products. There are almost no contraindications.
  2. Shuffling. Designed for one and a half months. The diet is designed in such a way that a person will not feel hungry, although there are a lot of forbidden foods. The nutritional system helps improve digestion and is balanced in terms of BJU ratio.
  3. For the belly and thighs. A system based on the consumption of foods that burn subcutaneous fat. You need to count calories (1200-1300 kcal per day maximum) and create a daily menu so that the amount of fat consumed does not exceed 20%. For sustainable results, it is recommended to follow this diet plan for at least a month.


Film, television and pop stars also use various effective diets (sometimes even very unusual and interesting ones) to keep themselves in ideal shape. If you want to follow the example of your idols, try these weight loss techniques:

  1. Nicole Kidman's three-day diet. To quickly get in shape, the celebrity recommends giving up solid foods and drinking broths, fat-burning smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and water. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than once every two to three months. It helps to get rid of 2-3 kg, cleanse the body, and improve skin condition.
  2. The best diet from Sophia Loren. This woman has managed to have an ideal figure for many years. She always adheres to proper nutrition, counting calories. Once a month, Sophie goes on a three-day diet. She eats three small meals a day. The diet these days includes juices, eggs, vegetable salads, turkey, shrimp, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
  3. Julia Roberts method. This actress prefers to lose weight on fish and vegetable salads. Fried foods are excluded. Julia excludes eggs, sugar, pasta, meat, rice and potatoes during her weight loss period.

The best diets for women

Due to certain characteristics of the body, hormonal imbalances, it is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to control their weight. Nutritionists identify a number of nutritional techniques that will be very effective for women:

  • Japanese;
  • Hollywood fortnight;
  • Dukan protein system;
  • separate meals for 90 days;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • kefir;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruity.

Option for a two-week menu of the Japanese method by day:

  1. Days 1 and 8. Breakfast - coffee and a slice of cheese. Lunch – a glass of tomato juice, 150 g of steamed cauliflower, 2 boiled eggs. Dinner – 200 g of lean fish.
  2. 2 and 9. In the morning, a slice of black bread and coffee. In the afternoon, 200 g of lean fish, 100 g of boiled cabbage. In the evening, 100 g of beef with a glass of kefir.
  3. 3 and 10. Breakfast - coffee with crackers, lunch - any amount of stewed zucchini, dinner - 200 g of beef, 100 g of raw cabbage with vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs.
  4. 4 and 11. Morning - coffee. Day – 50 g of unsalted cheese, boiled egg, 3 raw carrots. Evening – 200 g of fruit salad.
  5. 5 and 12. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, grated, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner – 200 g of fruit.
  6. 6 and 13. A cup of coffee in the morning. In the afternoon, 200 g of boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad. In the evening, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot.
  7. 7 and 14. Breakfast - green tea and a slice of black bread. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, boiled cabbage. Dinner – 100 g of beef, a glass of kefir.

For fast weight loss

Nutrition systems for weight loss in the shortest possible time are extremely popular, because situations often arise when you need lightning-fast results. It is worth considering that such eating and fasting patterns have a number of side effects: they cause severe stress to the body and can cause health problems. In addition, the result is unstable, and the weight quickly returns after them. If you don't mind these dangerous consequences, study some examples.


  1. Breakfast. A cup of unsweetened coffee, 2 rye crackers.
  2. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 4 tomatoes, 2 crackers.
  3. Dinner. 50 g hard cheese, 1 slice of rye bread, 1 tomato, a cup of green tea.

Not hard

By following the following method for three days, you will be able to get rid of 1.5-3 kilograms. Daily ration:

  1. Breakfast. Green tea.
  2. Lunch. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. 150 g of lean steamed meat, tomato, 1 boiled egg, a piece of unsalted cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack. Unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner. 150 g boiled chicken, cucumber, herbal tea.

Lightweight and effective

The following nutrition system will ensure you lose up to 5 kg of weight in just three days. Daily ration:

  1. Immediately after waking up. A glass of warm water.
  2. Breakfast. 200 ml of warm low-fat milk with honey.
  3. Dinner. Grapefruit. After 20-30 minutes, 200 g of boiled meat and 150 g of vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack and dinner. A glass of chicken broth.


The best example here would be the paleo diet. Its principle is to bring the diet as close as possible to the one that primitive people had. You are allowed to follow it for 7 days; it will not cause harm to the body. Description of one-day menu option:

  1. Breakfast. Two boiled eggs, 150 g of fresh fruit salad.
  2. Lunch. 10 almonds, 1 apple.
  3. Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken breast, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.
  4. Dinner. 200 g shrimp, 150 g vegetable salad.

The best diet in the world

Every person who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life will agree that it is easier to prevent this problem than to solve it. The best way to do this is to eat a healthy balanced diet, develop good eating habits, stay away from unhealthy foods, and control portion sizes. What is the benefit of this approach:

  1. The level of cholesterol and harmful fats is reduced.
  2. All internal organs and systems, bone and muscle tissue are strengthened.
  3. Energy balance is restored.
  4. Toxins are removed.
  5. All metabolic processes are normalized.
  6. The body receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements.
  7. The psycho-emotional state improves.
  8. Weight always remains within normal limits.


There are so many different diets out there today that it can be difficult to choose the one that suits you best. However, what to do if you need a good diet for weight loss that will definitely bring the desired results. That is why today we will conduct a special investigation and select exactly those systems that have proven their high efficiency and safety in practice. After all, the most important thing is to maintain your health. There is one significant point here, everyone can have their own good diet for losing weight, since all people are different. That is why we will review the most popular systems so that you have plenty to choose from.

Good or fast diet

Indeed, these are two mutually exclusive concepts. However, in the understanding of a person who wants to become slim, a good weight loss diet should help in a matter of days. Today there is no system that would allow one to become a model in a short time, without harming one’s health, and after finishing to maintain the result obtained. And it’s not even that at the end of the diet everyone immediately attacks cakes and pastries. It’s just that the body, having experienced severe stress, will begin to actively make reserves for a rainy day. In addition, when food is limited, the internal self-regulation system slows down the metabolism in order to save energy. Therefore, by switching to a normal diet, even if you still eat less than normal, you will gain weight. A good diet for weight loss cannot be quick, but it is these express methods that are the most popular, as they give the desired effect. Let's look at the top fast diets so you can make your own choice.

The best diet for quick weight loss

We evaluated diets in terms of their effectiveness and based on reviews from people who tried them in practice. From the entire body of data, we can conclude that a low-carbohydrate diet is easiest to tolerate, and it is quite effective. The difficulty is that the diet completely excludes sugar. Otherwise, despite the restriction on carbohydrates, the menu is quite filling. In 2-3 days you can lose up to 3 kilograms, which is a noticeable result. Your breakfast will consist of 30 g of hard cheese, a small piece of rye bread and coffee without sugar. Lunch is the most important meal; you can afford a few spoons of boiled beans, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and coffee. Dinner will consist of 100 g of fish, any fresh vegetables and a cup of green tea. The rest of the time, drink mineral or plain water. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, it is permissible to eat a couple of slices of grapefruit. As we have already said, the best diet for fast weight loss exists, but there are a number of others.

Express diets

One popular method is the potato diet. It would seem that potatoes are recommended to be excluded from the menu for those who want to reduce their weight. But this only applies to those cases when the starchy vegetable is consumed together with protein foods or sweets. At the same time, it is quite suitable as a product for a mono-diet. For two days, you are allowed to eat only potatoes, and they can be boiled or baked. It is prohibited to add any spices or salt. The exception is a small amount of vegetable oil. In two days it is quite possible to get rid of two kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking or juice diet

If we talk about speed and effectiveness, then this is the best diet for losing weight. Reviews confirm that it is very difficult to withstand it, but if you need to get in shape on the eve of an important event, then it’s worth a try. To make juice for one day, you will need 8 oranges, 2 grapefruits and one lemon. The squeezed juice is your diet for one day. It can be consumed 3 times, and in between drink green tea or plain water. You can't eat anything else. The conditions are very tough, so this diet is a real test of your willpower. The diet lasts 2-3 days, if you can stand it, 5 days is acceptable, but no more.

Not eating dinner is also a diet

And very effective. Perhaps this is what the best diet for weight loss should be. Reviews from thousands of women indicate that it is difficult to adhere to such a system, but you gradually get used to it. The duration of the diet is 2-5 days, with the last meal being lunch. In the morning you can afford a chicken egg and a cup of coffee without sugar. At about 12 o'clock a second breakfast awaits you; it can be 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of vegetable juice. For lunch you can have 150 g of fish or chicken breast with a vegetable side dish, and for dessert unsweetened fruit or some berries. After this, you can only drink herbal tea or water.

Egg-honey diet

Its principle is slightly different, but still this is another best diet for losing weight. Reviews from women say that it is very well tolerated due to honey. The body receives a large amount of nutrients. The yolk is a source of essential amino acids, fats and microelements, and honey is nutrition for our brain and a source of vitamins. Before each meal (3 times a day), you need to drink a mixture of one yolk and a teaspoon of honey.

For breakfast you can have a cup of tea or coffee with a small piece of rye bread. On the first day, you can have 90 g of low-fat cheese for lunch, and on the second day - 150 g of fish with boiled cabbage. It is allowed to supplement the meal with tea. For dinner on the first day, prepare chicken broth with rye bread, and on the second day, 90 g of cheese with rye bread. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.


Another common option for quick weight loss. It is quite difficult to withstand it, so weigh your strength. Your diet may consist of 250 g of boiled rice, rolled oats or buckwheat without salt and oil. There are options when cereals are replaced with kefir; you can drink up to a liter of low-fat drink a day. In addition, there are many diets that suggest eating apples, tangerines, pineapples, cucumbers, zucchini, grapefruits or oranges for several days. In any case, such mono-diets are recommended to be used only as fasting days; they cannot be followed for more than 2 days.

Today we will finish the review of express methods that promise quick results that are very difficult to maintain. Let's devote time to more balanced complexes that work more slowly, but allow you to consolidate the effect obtained and do not cause damage to your health. We will be guided by research and social surveys, according to which the ten best diets have been selected.

"Six Petals" - a good diet for losing weight at home

This system was developed by a Swedish nutritionist, and every year it is only gaining popularity. Indeed, impressively, eight out of ten women managed to achieve their goals. This is despite the fact that you do not need to suffer from hunger and develop chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The weight on this diet is from 500 to 800 g per day. So you can easily lose 10-15 kg in two weeks. The beauty of this diet is that after finishing one round, you can immediately start the second, and so on until you achieve your goal.

In essence, this diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Six petals - six monodiets that follow each other. This is not only a weight loss system, but also an interesting game. Before you start, you must depict a flower with six petals, which you will tear off one by one. The first petal bears the inscription fish. When the day ends, the petal comes off. The second one is called vegetables. On the third day you will have chicken, the fourth - cereals, the fifth - cottage cheese, the sixth - fruits.

This is a fairly easy diet, since you don’t get tired of the dishes. Even if you don't really like fish, you can handle it just fine for one day.

Diet "Enchantress"

In surveys, this system takes second place; this is another good diet for losing weight at home. We love to start a new life on Monday, so the menu is written according to the days of the week. The first day is “White Monday”, when you can eat cottage cheese and kefir, milk and yogurt without fruit additives. The second day is “Sweet Tuesday”. Only one day of the diet has passed, and you can already please yourself with sweet fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets), dried fruits and honey, berries, sugar-free fruit jelly are allowed. If you really want something sweet, a saucer of fruit jam and 50 g of dark chocolate are acceptable. The third day is meat day, it is called “nourishing Wednesday”. You can eat lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and fish. Thursday is “soup day”. Cook vegetable, meat and fish broths, as well as a variety of soups without frying. The fifth day is “cooking”; any porridge without butter is acceptable. On Saturday you will have a fasting day. On this day you can have tea and coffee, compotes, water, but all drinks must be sugar-free. The last day is “salad”. You can make your favorite panicle or cabbage salad, vinaigrette with peas. Most importantly, do not add mayonnaise and country sour cream. The fat content of cheese should also not exceed 20%. In a week you can get rid of 3-5 kg, if you need to lose more extra pounds, then simply repeat the course. The above two systems are the best diets for losing weight. Reviews confirm that it is easy to stick to them, there is no feeling of hunger.

Diet "Ladder"

Five days - five steps to a new appearance. This system cannot be ignored when discussing the best diets for weight loss. Reviews about it are not so rosy, because it is more difficult to stick to than the previous two. But the results are worth it. The first day is a cleansing step, when you can drink water, eat apples and use activated charcoal. The second day is a recovery step; it is necessary to bring the intestinal microflora back to normal. You can eat cottage cheese, drink kefir and water. The next day is an energy step, which is designed to reduce stress from this program. On this day you can eat dried fruits and honey. Then comes the building step - a day dedicated to protein foods (chicken and turkey). The last one is a fat-burning step; you can eat oatmeal, as well as vegetables and fruits, that is, sources of fiber. In five days you can lose from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. It is believed that this is the best diet for weight loss.

Diet "Pushinka"

A real salvation for those who need to lose a lot. The author of this technique got rid of 35 kg. For her, this is the best diet for losing weight, but many will say that the system has too strict a nutritional plan. Nevertheless, this diet has been approved by a number of nutritionists. You will need three products: pearl barley, fish and kefir. You can add cabbage. Soak 100 g of pearl barley overnight, and in the morning set it to cook for one hour. You will get 400 g of porridge, which should be divided into 5 meals. In the morning you can add a glass of kefir to the porridge, a piece of fish for lunch, and a plate of coarsely grated cabbage for an afternoon snack. It’s not for nothing that we included it in our list today, considering the best diets for weight loss. It gives amazing results.

"Cleansing" diet

And we continue our extensive topic. Indeed, the best diets for weight loss today are not described only by the lazy; from this variety we will try to isolate only the best and most effective systems. This diet is recommended by nutritionists, as it helps cleanse the body. In a week you will lose about 10 kg. First day of drinking. You can use decoctions of dried fruits or broths, water and green tea. The second day is vegetable salads, be sure to add cabbage to them. The third day is drinking again. The fourth is fruity, be sure to include grapefruits in your diet. The fifth day is protein, you can eat chicken fillet or eggs. Sixth day of drinking. The seventh day is the final one, you can have two eggs for breakfast, a fruit snack, light broth for lunch, fruit for an afternoon snack, and cabbage salad for dinner. This is truly the best diet for losing 10 kg.

Diet "Montignac"

Rather, it is a new nutrition system that helps you get rid of 10 kg in 30 days without much effort. The authors do not describe the menu step by step, but offer general guidelines that can be followed. It will be necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of pure sugar and products containing it. It is necessary to exclude various sauces and seasonings from the diet: mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Avoid wheat bread; it is better to take rye bread with bran. Completely eliminate foods that contain a lot of starch: potatoes, corn, millet, white rice. You cannot combine fatty and carbohydrate foods (bread and butter) at one time. You need to eat three meals a day, drink 2 or more liters of water and completely abstain from alcohol. This is a very good diet for losing weight in a month.

We can talk about diets endlessly. One system may be suitable for each individual and another may be unacceptable. That is why we reviewed the 10 best diets for weight loss, so that among this variety you can choose exactly what will be closest to you.

You've gained a few extra pounds, and there's a festival or party ahead, where you need to look your best... In such a situation, there is only one way out - fast-acting. Every famous actress has her own favorite “speedy” recipe.

But nutritionists never tire of warning: the fight against excess weight is not a case when you need to follow fashion. Most of the fast-acting diets that instantly become popular help you lose weight due to fluid loss. As soon as you return to your previous diet, your weight will return.

Courteney Cox and Liz Hurley lost weight with this diet. The author of the unusual nutrition system, Peter D'Adamo, believes that there are components in the blood that calmly break down some foods and reject others. Thus, some foods help digestion, while others harm it.

They say that the diet has helped many people get rid of serious illnesses. But this has not been scientifically confirmed.


The diet will appeal to those who like to follow the rules. She gives clear instructions on what, how and when foods can be eaten.
+ It is not necessary to give up alcohol and coffee (again, it all depends on your blood type).
+ In the list of allowed products you can find some that you have not tried yet. It will be interesting.


– Your favorite dish may be on the list of prohibited foods. In general, there are no obvious reasons for this. For example, people with blood type II should not eat bananas. But this is the favorite food of all diet fans.
– If you cook for a family, it is quite difficult to “please” everyone.
– There are many restrictions in this diet, which means you will quickly get bored with it.

Green tea diet

Green tea speeds up metabolism. It also enhances thermogenesis, a process that allows the body to burn calories. A couple of cups of green tea - and 70 calories are gone! Top model Sophie Dahl, in addition to drinking green tea, reduced the amount of carbohydrates in her diet.

How does this affect your health?

Green tea contains antioxidants that help prevent cancer, arthritis and protect the heart. But since green tea is high in caffeine, this diet is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Raw food diet

It's not just about sushi. The diet also applies to raw meat: beef, venison, duck. Raw foods are believed to contain living enzymes that provide strength. In addition, if you eat raw rather than cooked vegetables and fruits, you expend more energy. They say that Uma Thurman and Demi Moore are ardent fans of this type of nutrition.

How does this affect your health?

Disgusting. There is a huge risk of contracting E-Coli, a deadly bacteria that can be found in raw meat.

Diet based on skin research

Kate Winslet went for it and lost 25 kilograms! A special analysis allows you to determine which minerals the body lacks and adjust your diet. In general, the diet includes grains, potatoes, white meat, fish, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

How does this affect your health?

The diet is selected by your doctor based on the results of testing your skin. Naturally, it is perfectly balanced, so it does not pose any harm. You just need to tell the doctor in great detail about all your health problems. Well, it is clear that he must be a highly qualified specialist.

Caveman Diet

This diet takes us back to the Stone Age, when cavemen ate just one meal a day. The theory is that modern three meals a day, plus snacks between meals, makes us gain weight. Liz Hurley says she ate once a day to shed postpartum pounds. In this case, it is especially important that the food is perfectly balanced.

How does this affect your health?

Eating one meal at a time can lead to uncontrollable attacks of “ravenous appetite.” It is difficult for the body to cope with a sudden abandonment of the usual regime. If you decide to go on this diet, still have something light to eat during the day.

One of the most popular in the world. It is followed by Renee Zellweger, Mini Driver and Jerry Halliwell. The Atkins diet is high in protein and very low in carbohydrates. The theory is that if you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body will begin to quickly burn fat, its only source of fuel. Which will lead to weight loss.

How does this affect your health?

The diet really helps you get rid of extra pounds, but doctors warn that the cost of losing weight may be too high. Excessive protein intake can pose a threat to the entire body and in particular to the heart and kidneys. Accordingly, this diet is strictly contraindicated for kidney patients, heart patients, and diabetics.

Beverly Hills Diet

This diet helps you lose up to 7 kg per month. For the first 10 days you need to eat only fruits, then gradually introduce other carbohydrates and proteins. But under no circumstances mix them! Then the breakdown of food will be most effective, and it will not be deposited in fat reserves. Famous followers of this diet are Jodie Foster and Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife Maria Shriver.

How does this affect your health?

You are consuming too little protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Most likely, diarrhea will be your companion throughout the diet. Hmmm...

The most effective diet in the world is a relative concept. As practice shows, the same weight loss technique finds completely different responses in different people. However, we present to your attention the most popular meal plans.

Finnish diet

This technique was proposed to the world by Finnish nutritionists. It does not provide very fast results, but in a year it can take away more than 20 kg of excess weight. What is captivating is that the nutrition plan given below ensures the supply of the required amount of nutrients, and in addition, it also forms correct eating behavior. This diet provides a healing effect.

The main principle of the diet is the conditional division of the plate into 3 parts. Half the plate should be reserved for vegetables (fresh, boiled, stewed) with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. The other half of the plate is divided in half: the 1st part is filled with a side dish (porridge, wholemeal pasta, etc.), the 2nd part is reserved for lean protein foods.

Tibetan diet

Following this diet, you need to give up animal fats and meat - for 1-2 weeks you will have to eat foods of plant origin and low-fat protein products. Lunch should contain fish and seafood. Dinner is based on cereals and dairy products. Snacks include nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and freshly prepared juices. Daily calorie content of food: 1200-1300 kcal. Throughout the day you need to drink 2 liters of free liquid.

American diet

This weight loss technique is attributed to Hollywood actors - many of them allegedly successfully lose weight by resorting to the following nutrition plan. The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks.

The following are prohibited:
Alcoholic drinks
Flour products
Sweet fruits
Starchy vegetables

Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of unsweetened liquid (preferably drinking water). Instead of a high-calorie breakfast, it is recommended to simply drink a cup of unsweetened green tea and eat half a small grapefruit.

Menu of the most effective diet in the world for a week:

Lunch: fresh tomato, natural coffee, soft-boiled egg or in a bag
Dinner: soft-boiled or bagged egg, lettuce, grapefruit

Lunch: soft-boiled or bagged egg, black coffee, grapefruit
Dinner: boiled beef, black coffee, fresh cucumber

Lunch: Stewed or steamed spinach, egg and fresh tomato
Dinner: boiled veal, black coffee, fresh cucumber

Lunch: lettuce, grapefruit, black coffee
Dinner: stewed or steamed spinach, black tea, low-fat cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg

Lunch: stewed or steamed spinach, black coffee, soft-boiled egg
Dinner: lettuce, black coffee, grilled lean fish

Lunch: mixed fruit salad without dressing
Dinner: boiled beef, green tea, fresh cucumber

Lunch: grilled chicken fillet, black tea
Dinner: mixed fruit salad without dressing

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