Interesting smoothie recipes with cucumber. Cucumber smoothie Cucumber apple smoothie

Smoothie recipes

How to make cucumber smoothies at home. A healthy breakfast or snack according to a step-by-step recipe with photo and video instructions! Bon appetit!

10 min

100 kcal

5/5 (2)

Smoothie- it's fresh vitamin cocktail, which carries a lot of usefulness. This is a great dietary breakfast option that will fill you with energy for the upcoming work day.
If your children don't like some vegetables, thanks to the prepared smoothie, you will skillfully “hide” them, and besides, you will allow your child to try a drink of a rather unusual color, which in itself should arouse interest.
Drinking smoothies 2-3 times a week will help you lose weight, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and simply saturate your body with a huge amount of not only vitamins, but also various macro- and microelements.
And there are simply countless options for making smoothies - there are enough of them for even every day! And today we will look several recipes smoothie with cucumber.

How to choose the right ingredients:

  • Select ingredients for cooking fresh, fresh frozen ones will also work if you are preparing for the winter in advance in this way.
  • The most perfect option - vegetables or fruits from your home or country garden. This will save you from the possible consumption of nitrates along with store-bought products.
  • In this recipe, you can use low-fat yogurt instead of kefir, and lime juice can be perfectly replaced with lemon juice.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances: blender.


Important! Make sure that no seeds get into the bowl while squeezing the juice. For this purpose, you can use a special lemon squeezer.

Video recipe:
This video presents a slightly simplified version of the ingredients for preparing a smoothie with cucumber:
Since I already said that cooking recipes there is an incredible amount of smoothies a bunch of, then I suggest you consider additionally some of their options and choose any one to your taste for preparing your next cocktail.

Cucumber and celery smoothie recipe


  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • celery – 1 stalk;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice;
  • parsley.

Cooking sequence:

Video recipe:
Here you will see how to make a smoothie from cucumbers with apple and celery:

Cucumber and Tomato Smoothie Recipe


  • cucumber – 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • low-fat kefir – 1 glass;
  • mint, parsley, salt - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

Video recipe

See how the most common smoothie is made from cucumbers and tomatoes: Instead of kefir, yogurt is used here for a smoothie with cucumber.

A cooling and invigorating smoothie drink is not only tasty, but also healthy. Very often you can find smoothie recipes with cucumber and other vegetables. What are the benefits of such a drink? We will talk about this in detail in our material. Interesting recipes are also waiting for you.


A cucumber drink like a smoothie is very popular among everyone who follows a healthy lifestyle and watches their slimness. What is its peculiarity?

Let's start with the fact that smoothies are a great option to quench your thirst and hunger at the same time. To prepare such a drink, you do not need to complete culinary courses or attend master classes. Even a child can handle making smoothies. It is prepared quickly and easily - this is another plus.

In addition, cucumber smoothie is fraught with great benefits and has a positive effect on the body. By drinking just one glass of this drink, you can refresh yourself, gain strength and nourish your body with vitamins and beneficial elements.

Another feature is that cucumber goes well with herbs, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Therefore, if you wish, you can make not only vegetable, but also sweet fruit smoothies.

Benefits and harms

Thanks to the numerous vitamins and beneficial substances found in cucumber, this drink has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, normalizing their functioning and helping to fight constipation. A glass of such a refreshing drink will saturate the body with potassium and help get rid of excess fluid, swelling and toxins.

In addition, such a cocktail will help improve metabolism and promote weight loss, which is why it is included in the diet of those who are on a diet. The smoothie perfectly tones, refreshes, gives strength and energy. At the same time, its calorie content is very low.

Despite its enormous benefits, this drink is contraindicated in case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, severe poisoning, during breastfeeding, in case of thyroid disease and in case of individual intolerance.

Cooking options

It is very easy to make a cocktail from cucumber, which promotes weight loss and more. To enrich its taste and benefits, add a little herbs or ginger to it. We have prepared for you unusual and healthy smoothie recipes that will allow you to diversify your daily diet.

Cucumber can be combined with apple, celery, dill, parsley, tomatoes, zucchini, kiwi, avocado, lemon and even banana. The main thing is to choose ripe, fresh fruits and vegetables, without damage.

If you are confident in the quality of the vegetable, then the cucumber can be used for a cocktail along with the peel, which contains many useful properties.


In order to recharge yourself with energy for the whole day in the morning, you can prepare yourself a delicious smoothie.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • three cucumbers;
  • one medium-sized lime;
  • two tablespoons of honey;
  • some fresh mint.

Place chopped vegetables, mint leaves, honey and lime juice into a bowl. Whip everything until smooth and enjoy the drink, receiving a boost of energy and a portion of vitamins.

Here’s another option for an energy cocktail that can easily replace breakfast. To prepare it you will need thirty grams of oatmeal, which should be pre-chopped. Next, take three hundred grams of cucumbers, one hundred and fifty milligrams of kefir or natural yogurt, and a little fresh dill or parsley. We combine everything together and prepare a smoothie. The drink is perfect for breakfast or will help satisfy your hunger until dinner.


For those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and are on a diet, recipes using fermented milk products are suitable. This drink will satisfy your hunger and pleasantly surprise you with its taste.

To prepare it we take:

  • a glass of kefir or yogurt;
  • two or three fresh cucumbers;
  • a small bunch of any greenery - for example, it could be dill or basil.

It is better to take kefir chilled.

Beat everything in a blender and get a healthy diet shake.

Here is another recipe that will not only help you recharge your batteries, but will also help you shed a couple of extra pounds. To prepare the drink you will need two medium-sized cucumbers, the juice of one ripe grapefruit and a pinch of dried ginger. If desired, you can chop the peeled citrus slices along with the cucumber, rather than using just the juice. When serving, you can add a little grated zest, which also has its own beneficial properties.


To cool yourself down on a hot day, try the following recipe, which contains aromatic mint. This smoothie can easily replace an afternoon snack or second breakfast.

To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • three medium-sized cucumbers;
  • several sprigs of fresh mint;
  • a teaspoon of your favorite honey;
  • literally half a glass of crushed ice.

Wash the vegetable thoroughly, peel if necessary and cut into large slices. Place everything in a blender along with the rest of the ingredients, don’t forget about the ice. Beat thoroughly in a blender and enjoy.

In order to feel all the freshness of fruits and vegetables, you want something unusual, unsweetened and healthy. To make this cocktail you will need two medium-sized cucumbers, one small kiwi and a small green apple. You will also need one hundred and fifty milligrams of green apple juice. In principle, a packaged version without sugar and without additives is quite suitable. Grind all the ingredients, then add the juice and beat again. If the smoothie tastes very sour, you can add a little honey if desired.


To maintain immunity and overall health, you should try making a drink according to the following recipe. Take two fresh cucumbers, one apple (preferably green and juicy) and one ripe kiwi. Chop all the ingredients as desired and blend in a blender. Before serving, you can season the drink with ground cinnamon stick or grated ginger root.

To get a boost of vigor and energy, we suggest preparing a cocktail according to the following recipe.

You will need:

  • one ripe tomato;
  • two fresh cucumbers;
  • a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.

If you wish, you can take a little ground chili pepper or any herbs to taste. First, chop the vegetables in the machine, then add kefir, seasonings and beat until smooth. For maximum benefits, you can add a bunch of parsley or a couple of celery stalks to this recipe.

Cucumber, banana and lemon - all this brings great benefits to the body of every person. We suggest making a delicious smoothie from them.


  • two large cucumbers;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • two hundred milligrams of water;
  • one ripe banana.

Grind all ingredients and mix until smooth. The end result is a moderately sweet drink. If desired, you can add some spices or mint to it, which will improve its taste and benefits.

You will learn how to make a cucumber smoothie in the following video.

Nutritionists are not at all against smoothies; on the contrary, many even recommend including this drink in your diet. In order for the drink to bring maximum benefit to the body and not harm the figure, nutritionists recommend listening to some advice.

  • Try to prepare a cocktail based on natural yogurt or kefir. Fermented milk products in combination, for example, with cucumber, have a very positive effect on the body.
  • When preparing a drink, do not sweeten it with regular sugar. It would be much healthier to add a little honey. And if you add a little ground cinnamon to the smoothie, the taste will be very pleasant, and there will not even be a need to add honey.
  • People who are not overweight can add a ripe banana to their drink. It is best to drink this cocktail in the morning.
  • In order for all ingredients to benefit the body and promote better digestion, all components should be thoroughly ground, without leaving large pieces.
  • There is no need to dilute the smoothie with large amounts of any liquid. The drink should be thick.
  • The healthiest smoothie is the one that contains only green ingredients.

You can make a very unusual drink called a smoothie from cucumber. We may be more familiar with cucumber juice, but a cucumber smoothie differs from juice in its creamy texture and density.

Benefits of cucumber smoothie

Cucumbers work best when paired with denser fruits. For example, with bananas. Banana is a classic ingredient for any smoothie. Banana goes with almost everything. For example, read the article Kiwi Smoothie. Another classic smoothie ingredient is mango. Mango works the same way as banana. Gives a creamy taste, creamy texture and the necessary density. Although mango is exotic for us, you can always use frozen or canned mango.

  • Cucumber contains 96% water and very few calories.
  • Cucumber, along with tomatoes and cabbage, is the most common vegetable in the world.
  • Cucumber mainly consists of water, but it is not simple water, but structured in a special way.
  • The water contained in cucumber is a natural adsorbent and helps remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body.
  • Fresh cucumber juice contains many substances that help strengthen nails and prevent hair loss.
  • Cucumber juice helps prevent dehydration, and in addition, replenishes vitamins and minerals. A glass of cucumber smoothie contains vitamins K, C, B5, A, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid.
  • Cucumber is useful for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.

Cucumber smoothie helps hydrate skin

Due to its high water content, cucumber smoothies maintain the required amount of moisture in the skin. Cucumber masks hydrate your skin from the outside.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents

Cucumber is no exception, like all vegetables, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. First of all, it is the main antioxidant vitamin C, beta-carotene and manganese.

Aid in Digestion

Cucumber contains a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber. Fiber helps eliminate toxins and cleanse the digestive tract. Cucumber has a neutral taste and is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Having listed all the main advantages of cucumber, we move on to the main part, to recipes for cucumber smoothies.

Cucumber smoothie recipes

Cucumber and melon smoothie


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 slice of melon (with cucumber)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Bunch of greens (spinach or cilantro)
  • 1 glass of water
  • Ice optional
  • Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Cucumber smoothie with yogurt

Reminiscent of a Greek salad made from yogurt and cucumbers, only in a more liquid form. Very suitable for a light breakfast or late dinner.


  • 200 gr. plain yogurt
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 100 gr. milk (can be soy, coconut or plain)
  • Milk can be replaced with water.
  • Ice cubes optional.
  • Depending on the season, you can add a few mint leaves for freshness.

A yogurt smoothie is reminiscent of a Greek salad made with yogurt and cucumbers, only in a thinner form. Suitable for a light breakfast or late dinner. A cucumber smoothie with yogurt can be supplemented with berries. Fresh frozen berries, such as blueberries, are great for smoothies.

Smoothie with blueberries, yogurt and cucumber


  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 cucumber
  • 100 gr. frozen blueberries (or other berries)
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • Ice optional
  • Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Cucumber and pineapple smoothie


  • 1 cucumber
  • 200 gr. pineapple
  • 100 gr. any frozen berries (raspberries)
  • 100 gr. water or milk
  • Add ice as needed.

It turns out very tasty! To prepare, you can use canned or frozen pineapple. Cucumber is the basis of these wonderful and healthy drinks. You can add banana, pears, mango, and other fresh or frozen fruits to your cucumber smoothie. It depends on your desire and capabilities. Cucumber goes well with almost all fruits due to its neutral taste. Create your favorite cucumber smoothie.

To get rid of excess weight, exercise alone is not enough. It is also necessary to reconsider your diet, getting rid of harmful foods from your daily menu. When you only need to lose a couple of kilograms or keep yourself in shape, cucumber diet supplements, to which various ingredients are added, will be beneficial.

The benefits of cucumbers for losing weight

People who want to lose a few pounds should reconsider their diet. If this is not done, no amount of sports will help. The diet menu involves giving up “empty” calories, but the feeling of hunger remains. Various smoothies, including cucumber, can dull it. It saturates and has other positive effects.

Most of it is water. The rest is rich in vitamins of groups PP and B, carotene, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. These substances are not only beneficial for the body, but also help speed up metabolism. A cocktail made from this vegetable helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Cooking features

Cucumber-based weight loss cocktails can be not only healthy, but also delicious. The main thing is to know several important features:

  • Choose the right vegetable. It is best to take young cucumbers without large seeds. The latter worsen the taste of the smoothie. When there is no other option other than using sprouted cucumbers, the fruit should be cut into four parts and the pulp with large seeds should be cut off, leaving only the most tender.
  • Cut off or leave the peel. Depends on the freshness of the vegetable. Not everyone loves the crushed-peel drink. A smoothie made from pulp alone is more tender and enjoyable. The drink made from unpeeled cucumber is rich. This makes it much healthier for the body and weight loss. This is especially true for a diet when a person needs more vitamins and nutrients.
  • Adding ice. Diet cucumber smoothie tastes better chilled rather than warm. It is best to cook it in the summer. In the cold season, a chilled drink should be drunk when there is no chance of catching a cold. It should be added after thoroughly mixing all ingredients in a blender.

Cucumbers have a neutral taste, but go well with fermented milk products and. You should not add sweet fruits or sugar to diet smoothies.

Cucumber smoothie based on kefir

It is considered one of the most effective for weight loss, since fermented milk product helps cleanse the body and normalize metabolism.

Option 1


  • 300 g cucumbers
  • 150 ml kefir
  • 30 g oat flakes
  • A little

The cocktail can be salted, but not much. The flakes are pre-ground in a coffee grinder, the cabbage is chopped, and the cucumbers are cut. Place everything in a blender bowl and add kefir. The mass turns out to be quite thick and perfectly satisfies hunger, so it is suitable as a replacement for breakfast or dinner, as well as for fasting days.

Option 2

You will need:

  • 120 g kefir
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 2 cloves garlic

Mix everything thoroughly in a blender. You can add a little salt. You should drink this drink in the evening so that you don’t have to smell the garlic aroma during the day.

Only low-fat kefir is allowed. The percentage should not be higher than one.

With celery and added apple

Celery has pronounced fat-burning properties and helps remove harmful substances from the body. It enhances the dietary properties of the drink. An apple is often added, which gives the smoothie a pleasant taste and a greater feeling of fullness.

Option 1


  • 250 ml one percent kefir
  • a couple of celery stalks
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 sprigs cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • a little pepper and salt

Vegetables and herbs are washed and chopped, and then mixed in a blender. The ingredients are crushed to a puree and poured with kefir.

Option 2

  • 200 ml biokefir
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 medium apple
  • ½ teaspoon

The apple is peeled and the stem is peeled. They are cut into small pieces and placed in a bowl. Next, everything is crushed, seasoned with spices, and filled with fermented milk product. Whisk everything again. Please note that this drink has a laxative effect, so drinking it before going out is not recommended.

Option 3


  • 1 cup low-fat kefir
  • 100 g
  • 1 celery root
  • greenery
  • spices

The avocado is cut into two parts and the pit is removed. The pulp is removed from the fruit using a spoon. The root is finely chopped. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a blender. Pour kefir into the bowl. Beat everything thoroughly again.

When is the best time to drink a diet drink?

Cucumber smoothie is the basis of a weight loss system. The cocktail must be consumed correctly. It suppresses the feeling of hunger, which often occurs in people who are accustomed to constantly snacking or eating large portions. Drinking a diet cucumber drink every two or three hours allows you to get rid of “bad” gastronomic habits.

To lose at least a couple of kilograms, you should adhere to a fairly strict regime. Breakfast and dinner are replaced with a cucumber cocktail with various additives. This does not mean that you can eat absolutely everything for lunch. You should limit yourself to boiled fish or meat, vegetable salad, seasoned with herbs and olive oil.

It is recommended to completely exclude sweets, smoked foods, store-bought canned and semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, and baked goods from your diet. These products are harmful to your figure in principle. The only exception is whole grain bread. To maintain the achieved result, fasting days should be arranged once or twice a month.


Cucumber smoothie is a delicious, refreshing, healthy and dietary drink. It is rich in nutrients and valuable substances, and also allows you to cleanse the body of harmful waste and toxins, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a fat-burning effect.

With the advent of tasty and healthy drinks called smoothies, a large number of men and women managed to get rid of extra pounds and improve the functioning of their internal organs. Smoothies are an excellent remedy for health and beauty, as well as an excellent replacement for a regular meal. Their preparation does not require any special culinary skills; just a few minutes and the food is ready. This is especially good on hot summer days, when you don’t want to stand at the stove or eat high-calorie food.

A cucumber smoothie has proven itself to be excellent, as it refreshes, energizes, saturates with nutrients and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of such cocktails can be completely different; the main ingredient goes well with other vegetables, dairy products, herbs and some fruits. A cucumber smoothie will delight you with a pleasant taste, leave you feeling full and will not harm your figure. On the contrary, it cleanses the body well, which is the first step towards an ideal figure.

Cucumber mint smoothie

This refreshing drink will bring you maximum benefit and pleasure. By replacing the afternoon snack with it, within a few days you will feel a positive result.


  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • honey – 1 teaspoon
  • mint – 25 g
  • lime – 0.5 pcs.
  • crushed ice - 0.5 cups

Coarsely chop the peeled cucumbers, mix in a blender with mint leaves, lime slices and honey. Then beat the mixture with crushed ice again.

Cucumber-kefir smoothie

This recipe attracts with a minimum of ingredients and excellent results. This smoothie is best suited for weight loss. If you are not on a diet, but just want to saturate your body with vitamins, then you can take kefir of any fat content, as well as homemade yogurt, which will only benefit the taste of the smoothie.


  • low-fat kefir – 1 glass
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • dill – 1 bunch

Beat the cooled kefir with a blender with dill and cucumber slices until pureed.

Cucumber smoothie with fruits


  • apple – 1 pc.
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • kiwi – 1 pc.
  • fennel – 5 g

Beat the pieces of apples, cucumbers and kiwi in a blender, season with a small amount of fennel.

Cucumber-beet smoothie


  • young beets – 1 pc.
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • water or ice - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • – 20 g
  • fresh ginger – 5 g

Before grinding all the ingredients in a blender, cut the cucumbers and beets into pieces. Add ice or water to the smoothie when it has the consistency of puree.

Cucumber, tomato and pepper smoothie

This extremely healthy vegetable smoothie will give you energy and vigor until the evening.


Grind vegetables and herbs, beat with yogurt in a blender, seasoning with chili pepper. We advise you to take note of others.

Cucumber and herb smoothie

Drinking a cup of this smoothie in the morning will energize you and make you feel great all day long.


  • spinach – 1 bunch
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • green apple – 1 pc.
  • fennel – 1 tuber
  • dill and parsley – 20 g each
  • celery – 1 stalk
  • water - to taste

Preparing a smoothie is as simple as possible: cut an apple and cucumbers, chop herbs, beat with a blender and add a little water if desired.

Cleansing cucumber-grapefruit smoothie

Required Products:

  • grapefruit – 1 pc.
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • ginger – 2 pinches

Beat the cucumbers and grapefruit until pureed, season with ginger.

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