Why do they throw lard into the yard? Found at the door found planted planted damaged lining needle knife planted

Sometimes we are careless about everything that happens around us. This is especially noticeable when it comes to random finds. If we find some strange object at home or at work in the office (a needle, a bag of soil, a strand of hair), then most likely we will not pay attention to it. Or we will be surprised, but soon forget.

Naturally, not everyone needs to be looked at as a witch’s lining. But still, a certain danger exists. With the help of a lining, a strong magician can “bind” illness or misfortune to any person. We must remember this in order to protect ourselves from many troubles.

What does lining mean?

Many black magic rituals are associated with causing damage. Certain items are usually used for this purpose. Some types of plants (fern, aspen, belladonna), animal fur or an egg can act as a charmed thing. The lining is often a thread, a coin or grains of cereal. A wide variety of things can turn out to be spellbound, and, therefore, unexpected finds must be treated carefully.

However, it happens that the source of harm hidden by the enemy is located directly in your home. Piercing items are the most common magical lining - a used needle can become a source of great trouble. This is what black magicians use to induce serious illness.

Quite often it happens that a person is damaged in a church. There is no need to think that the power of the holy place will protect you, since strong warlocks know how to overcome this barrier. If in church someone is looking at you intently, and at the same time whispering something unintelligibly under his breath, then the best thing is to leave his field of vision in order to destroy the contact. You should also not pick up strangers from the floor or the ground. , and other church paraphernalia.

Larger items can also serve as lining in the house: clothes, food, water bottles, alcoholic drinks and much more. Food with negativity attached to it is considered the most dangerous. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors advised not to accept treats from strangers, but to read a prayer before eating food. This simple rule saved many from trouble.

Earth and flowers on the grave

Flowers and soil taken from the cemetery can also be used to cause damage through the lining. They have incredible power that can cause not only illness, but also death. Cemetery soil is unlikely to be thrown into someone's desk drawer or jacket pocket (too conspicuous), but it can be easily added to a flower pot. The effect of the curse is not always reflected on the flower, and the person becomes seriously ill. The negative program of the lining provokes the destruction of the human biofield.

The imperceptible effect of a charmed object sometimes manifests itself over a very long period of time. Well-read conspiracies cause significant harm not only to a person’s health, but also to his entire life. The following signs of damage and the evil eye appear:

  • Unreasonable anxiety, restlessness;
  • Insomnia, headache;
  • Sudden weight loss, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • A series of troubles at work;
  • Deterioration of family relationships;
  • Financial difficulties.

The black sorcerer spares no one. It can equally easily damage both an adult and a child.

How does the lining work?

Imagine an object that emits radiation. By definition, it should not cause harm if the necessary precautions are taken. You should not approach it, you should not pick it up with your hands, and you should also know the rules for disposing of a contaminated object. And all this in the case when the object itself has already been found.

But if a book from Chernobyl falls into your hands (and you have no idea where it was brought from), then you are unlikely to be able to find out the reason for your poor health. A similar example is typical for a charmed object. The main goal of an ill-wisher is to cause damage or other negativity aimed at destroying various aspects of human life. In some cases, the lining is used to induce alcohol addiction. Conspiracy alcohol can lead a person to continuous drunkenness.

A lining for destruction and ruin

To ruin a competitor and destroy his business, black magicians often use a charmed object. Ordinary-looking seeds or cereal seeds placed in an inconspicuous place can lead to material ruin. There is no need to wait for special profits until it is possible to detect the lining and eliminate its effect.

A bunch of hair can become a charmed object. It does not attract attention, but at the same time it carries a huge danger. Sometimes our lives can get worse for no apparent reason. If some unpleasant person visited the house, and after some time the owner began to have problems, it’s time to start looking for the enchanted object.

A gift can also be a lining. If troubles start after receiving it, then this is already a sufficient reason to think about it and take the necessary measures. In this way, not only “friends,” but also fairly close relatives can harm.

What to do if you find a lining

You cannot take the found lining with your bare hands! Hands should be protected with gloves, and the suspicious item should be placed in a sealed package, taken away from your home and destroyed along with the container.

If some unusual object is found near the house, you should not take it home. The best protection against damage and evil is a kindled fire. At the same time, you don’t need to stand by the fire and inhale the stench coming from it. If the item does not catch fire, you can douse it with a flammable liquid. And the resulting residues should be swept onto a dustpan, put in a bag, taken to a deserted place and buried along with the contents and the gloves in which the work was done.

Having finished with evil, go home. At the same time, you should not look around or talk to anyone. It is possible that after this bad people will be drawn to your home. Pay attention to those who will come to you in the near future. If you doubt your ability to lining, then ask a magician for help to protect against subsequent troubles. When magical attacks resume (and this happens extremely rarely), do not panic, but carry out.

Defense with a bow

After peeling, the onion acquires the ability to absorb negativity. You should take three medium-sized onions, peel them and hang them in different parts of the house. The whole ritual is performed in stages:

  • A thick needle about the size of an onion is pierced from top to bottom.
  • The thread is tightened around the bulb into a loop, and then the amulet is suspended for seven days
  • The onions are removed, placed on a sheet of paper and sprinkled with salt (one tablespoon for each)
  • The bulbs are wrapped in paper and burned, which helps neutralize negative energy.

As you can see, protection from curses and damage is not a very difficult task. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

In magic, pads are called various objects or bulk materials that carry powerful negative energy, obtained as a result of special rituals, and thrown into places where the victim often appears.

Increasingly, linings are being thrown into the homes of people who, moreover, no matter what, keep lifting and lifting these inherently terrible objects and thus “gift” themselves with a large “bouquet” of all kinds of ailments and problems.

Some manage to not only pick up the witchcraft “gifts”, but also show them to everyone in the household, and at the same time distribute them to several apartments. especially zealous (in terms of neglecting basic safety rules) individuals bring trays to the reception, toss them in their hands, almost taste them and keep trying to understand: what it is and what they eat it with.

That’s why, in order to avoid becoming victims of linings, I think you must have an understanding of them and learn to neutralize their negative impact.

Linings can be found everywhere. For example, on the way home, on the threshold of an apartment, at the workplace.

Found in the door, found under the door, found at the front door, stuck in the door... planted in a desk drawer, planted in the table, found on the desk... planted a needle in the wall, found a needle under the carpet, found needles in the apartment. This is an insidious strong damage through the lining.

Negative carriers can be earth from a cemetery, stones, salt, specially charmed feathers, ashes, sewage and other objects.

Honestly, it can be anything, but, as a rule, evil people use objects that are in one way or another connected with death, with the cemetery (soil and flowers from graves, coffin nails, etc.).

Also, blacksmiths often use needles that have been previously cursed.

What needs to be done if you suddenly find some suspicious object on your doorstep (in an apartment, in a country house, in a garden plot).

The first thing we must not forget is that under no circumstances should you take such objects with your hands! Once you do this, regardless of whether you believe in damage or not, all the negativity, be it damage or a curse, will transfer to your energy. Do not take anything with your hands!

You can carefully sweep the object onto the dustpan, push it with something, pick it up, but do not touch it with your hands!

Some people believe that pads should only be handled with bare hands, but rather if you wear gloves. then everything will be fine. In fact, this is not entirely correct. Yes, your contact with the object will not be immediate (direct), but, nevertheless, you will touch it, and this is quite enough for the negative to transfer from the object to you. so don't take any unnecessary risks.

Never pick up anything from the ground that you haven't dropped. There are many known cases where absolutely healthy people become disabled and die only because they carelessly lifted the lining.

You should also be wary of the fact that the thrown items can be very expensive and beautiful, be it a gold cross, a wallet with a large sum of money, or a good-quality item.

Sometimes seriously ill or unlucky people throw a gold ring or an expensive watch to someone halfway through the door in order to get rid of a fatal illness or serious financial problems.

Therefore, we must remember that only our life is priceless, therefore, it is not worth risking it by picking up a dubious find from the ground or floor.

There is a fairly extensive classification of linings, that is, each item found at the doorstep symbolizes a certain area of ​​your life, into which the enemies intend to make a difference. This list is huge, so I will give only excerpts from this list concerning the items most used by black magicians.

The meaning of linings

  • Birch branches or leaves, as well as crayfish- to oncological diseases.
  • Paper money and potatoes- someone wants your ruin and is jealous of your prosperity.
  • Copper money - to tears and sadness.
  • Braided weeds on a door handle or on a fence- indicates that they are trying to infect you with an incurable disease, which will be as difficult to get rid of as a weed in the garden.
  • Bottle of alcohol- a sign of damage to alcoholism.
  • Wreath (no matter what flowers, paper or fresh), cemetery soil, cross, towel, bat, noose and dried flies- symbolizes death.
  • Mushrooms - to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Needles - to cardiovascular diseases or a love spell.
  • Ears of corn - someone wants your plans to not come true.
  • Apple - illness or early old age.
  • Eggs - for destruction in the house.
  • Military paraphernalia- stars from shoulder straps, a cap, as well as a chain and lock - to imprisonment.
  • Rusty nails - damage to impotence.
  • Dried cherries- to diseases.
  • Knife and cereal scattered near the threshold are designed to worsen family relationships, cause quarrels and provoke conflicts.
  • Matches show the enemy’s desire for you to have a fire.
  • A pile of garbage found near the door indicate that someone wants to cause discord in your life.
  • Scattered sand indicates damage to the “sand backfill” - to close vital roads.
  • Glasses frames with broken lenses- to inflicted blindness.
  • The stub of a candle means slow fading.
  • Broken glass - whole glass represents the integrity of fate, broken glass - broken fate. Many people advise burning such treasures, this is correct, but to melt the glass you need a high temperature, and then the glass will only melt. It is important not to burn or destroy the treasure, but to neutralize or remove the imposed conspiracy. But even after removing the information from the warehouse, you need to figure out your destiny. This is different from removing damage to health, which everyone knows about. Only a clairvoyant can remove such damage.

Of course, there are many other items in the sorcerers’ arsenal, and the ones listed above can be applicable for other dark purposes. But still, read this list carefully and at least roughly try to remember which items are worth paying attention to.

In one house, two women lived on the ground floor in neighboring apartments. Both distilled moonshine, and therefore waged an “internecine war” among themselves. What kind of linings they didn’t throw at each other!

They poured earth, salt, sugar on the threshold, poured water, stuck knives into the door frames, and soaped the door handle. There was a war of survival: who won whom. As a result, both women’s health deteriorated, one of them began to have children and grandchildren who were ill, and she herself was admitted to the hospital with suspected cancer.

Another’s son was sent to prison, and she fell ill with grief. This is what a “war of linings” can lead to, and there can be no winners in it!

The lining may be located near your home and exude evil around it.

List with interpretation of linings

  • Apricot - to the fire.
  • Alabaster objects - love spells, drying spells.
  • Alcoholic drinks lead to an unbearable life, death and torment.
  • Aluminum (a product made of this metal) - to tooth loss.
  • Pineapple - to baldness.
  • Orange - to illness.
  • Watermelon - for difficult childbirth.
  • Dried butterfly - to loneliness.
  • Banana - to the loss of a man.
  • Bank - to trouble.
  • Bow - to difficulties in life.
  • Lamb wool - to noise, swearing.
  • Birch branches or leaves - to cancer.
  • Pancakes mean failure.
  • A dry bun goes to an empty table.
  • Cut or shredded paper means failures and troubles.
  • Paper money means poverty.
  • Beads - to sadness.
  • A bottle means drunkenness.
  • Felt boots - for foot diseases.
  • Vata – to infertility.
  • Broom - for headaches.
  • A wreath means death.
  • Willow - to sadness, loss.
  • The military's belongings are destined for prison.
  • Grapes - to tears.
  • Dried cherries - to eye diseases.
  • Hair is a sign of divorce.
  • A killed or dried crow means illness, sadness.
  • Veil - to sadness.
  • A crumpled newspaper means noise, swearing and scandals in the family.
  • Nut - to your wife’s betrayal.
  • A tie means separation.
  • Rusty nails - to the husband's impotence.
  • Clay - to the death of a loved one.
  • Bird's nest - to the breakdown of the family.
  • Beef - to a serious illness.
  • Mustard - to bitter sadness.
  • A broken stove pot means the loss of a family.
  • Mushrooms - to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Pears - to disability.
  • Sponge - to renounce the family.
  • Copper money means tears.
  • Dried melon - to an unsuccessful pregnancy.
  • A killed hedgehog means theft and losses.
  • The Colorado potato beetle is associated with skin diseases.
  • Castle - to prison.
  • Earth from the cemetery means death.
  • Animal teeth are associated with nervous diseases.
  • A needle means a heart attack.
  • A toy means material waste.
  • Stone - to obstacles in your personal life.
  • Potatoes mean poverty.
  • A bird cage means betrayal.
  • The key is to change the apartment.
  • Skin - to burns.
  • Ears of corn - to unfulfilled dreams.
  • An envelope means trouble.
  • Bones - to intrigue.
  • Red ribbon - to loss of love.
  • The cross means death.
  • Groats - to quarrels.
  • Bast shoes - to the collapse of family relationships.
  • Ice - to coldness in relationships.
  • Flatbread means a loss in everything.
  • Bat (dead) - to death.
  • Lemon - to melancholy.
  • Onion - to tears.
  • Frogs - for weight loss and dryness.
  • Copper - to unrequited love.
  • Chalk - to failures in business.
  • Fur means noise.
  • Flour means losses.
  • Garbage leads to scandals.
  • Dried flies mean death.
  • Soap - to losses.
  • Meat means illness.
  • Thimble - to disappointed hopes.
  • Nails - to loss, loss of a friend.
  • Knife - to quarrels.
  • Scissors - for divorce.
  • Cucumber - to melancholy, loneliness.
  • Blanket - to illness.
  • Necklace - to tears.
  • Nuts - to tears and squabbles.
  • Glasses mean loneliness.
  • The package means trouble.
  • Gloves mean illness.
  • Feathers - for divorce.
  • Sand - to a painful illness.
  • Loop - to death.
  • A scarf means temporary separation.
  • A towel means death.
  • A button means dirty poverty.
  • River cancer is an incurable disease.
  • Radish - to tears.
  • Chamomile - to loneliness.
  • Fish - to illness.
  • Soot - to illness.
  • Lard - to a long illness.
  • Herring - to failure.
  • Hay - to quarrels in the family.
  • Straw - to scandals.
  • Matches - to the fire.
  • Glass is a sign of divorce.
  • Cheese - to poverty.
  • Plate - to loneliness.
  • Grass - for headaches.
  • Already - to impotence.
  • Iron - to prison.
  • Dry bread means back disease.
  • Flowers mean death.
  • Chain - to arrest.
  • Tea (scattered at the doorstep) means quarrels in the family.
  • A broken watch means unexpected death.
  • Cup - bad news.
  • Worms mean illness.
  • Black ribbon - for mourning.
  • Hat - to infertility.
  • Tongs - for divorce.
  • A dried apple means illness.
  • Berries - to tears.
  • Egg - to impotence.

What to do if you find a lining?

You can't just throw away the lining. Its destruction must be accompanied by special magical manipulations. Basically, linings always need to be burned.

Many of the people who burned the “gift” later said that, no matter how small it was, it burned for a very long time and produced thick black smoke. It is often necessary to maintain the fire for quite a long time before the ominous “gift of the dark forces” burns out.

There is especially a lot of trouble with this in the city, where you cannot freely light fires on the street. In this case, it is better to place the lining in a box and take it out of town.

It is also advisable to burn the broom and dustpan used to sweep the lining.

Anything can happen in life. Prohibited items may be planted on you. The goal is to put another tick in the crime control report, to try to extort money for “solving the problem” or to neutralize it if you, for example, are a social activist.

What to do if you see an unfamiliar object

They can plant something prohibited in your pocket, bag, car, apartment, or the place where you work. If you find something that clearly does not belong to you, proceed as follows:

  1. Never touch anything with your hands.
  2. Immediately state that the item is not yours. If you see someone who may have given it to you, say so loudly so that others can hear it. You need to attract as many witnesses as possible.
  3. Call the police from your mobile phone, provide your details, tell them where you are, and complain that something was planted on you. Ask to send a police squad.

Be sure to record the fact that something was thrown to you in any way: using a mobile phone camera, voice recorder. Call family and friends. Try to involve strangers in the action, make this fact public. In extreme cases, you can even scream.

Victor Mager, lawyer at AK “Lawyer Mager”

What to do if something was planted on you during a personal search

Often, prohibited items are unexpectedly discovered during an inspection of your car, hand luggage, luggage, or clothing. In this case:

  1. Invite the employees conducting the search, in the presence of witnesses, to independently obtain all the items you have. You can record this process on video. It is important that you do not touch anything yourself.
  2. Write in the protocol that the things found do not belong to you, their origin and how they got to you are unknown.
  3. Submit a request for a fingerprint examination of the found prohibited items to detect fingerprints on them and determine their identity.

You can also apply to receive hand-wash samples for comparative analysis. At the end of the inspection, file a complaint about unlawful actions of employees to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office.

Maxim Bekanov, leading lawyer of the European Legal Service

How should a personal search of things take place?

This process is defined by Article 27.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Personal search is carried out by an official Who has the right to conduct a personal search and search of things in the possession of an individual of the same sex with you, in the presence of two witnesses of the same sex, or using video recording.

Without witnesses, your personal belongings - hand luggage, luggage, hunting and fishing equipment, etc. - can be inspected in exceptional cases. Only if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you have weapons or other items.

A personal search protocol must be drawn up. It indicates the date and place of its compilation, position, surname and initials of the person who compiled the protocol, information about you, as well as all data about the things found. For example, if this is a weapon, then its make, model, caliber, series, number. If ammunition - type and quantity.

The protocol must indicate exactly how evidence was recorded that prohibited substances were found in your possession - whether photography or video was taken.

The protocol must be signed by those who participated in the process: the one who compiled it, the witnesses, and also you yourself.

Read it carefully before signing. If you do not agree with what is stated in the protocol, you do not have to sign it - a corresponding entry about this will be made in the document. At your request, you must be given a copy of the protocol.

What else can you do

  1. Instead of waiting for something to be thrown at you, find a good lawyer and write down his phone number. A professional will tell you how to act correctly in the most difficult situations.
  2. Enter the hotline numbers of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs into your mobile phone. Calling them with a complaint may help in further proceedings.
  3. Do not agree to transfer packages from strangers. This gives you another reason to find prohibited items on you.
  4. If you suspect that something might be planted on you, do not remain silent. Tell your friends and relatives about this, write about your suspicions. Remember: forewarned is forearmed.

Superstitions, despite the arguments of skeptics, persist. But not everyone knows how to protect themselves from the evil intentions of “sorcerers.” The concept of “lining” hides salt, earth, needles, pieces of thread, black feathers, left by ill-wishers at the threshold or under the door, and sometimes even on the doors themselves.

The lining can be found not only at your doorstep. Any thing found in an unexpected place in your home can be a lining. On the street you can also find an item that is directly related to the lining.

As a rule, the following is used as lining:
- needles;
- pins;
- nails - in other words, metal objects.
These metal products are first charmed, and then secretly stuck into clothing or a door. Nails can simply be thrown or driven into the door. Heavier artillery is pins and needles wrapped in thread, of course, with a preliminary slander.
Pins and needles, according to esotericists, are not serious (terrible) linings. These, one might say, are the tricks of amateurs for whom real magic rituals are inaccessible. Therefore, their impact is rather weak (however, one should take into account one’s own strength of belief in magic; skeptics don’t care about all these sewing supplies).
Next, magicians use salt and earth. In order to bring a person to the grave, soil taken from the cemetery is poured onto him. Salt is a powerful accumulator of any energy. It can be sprinkled on someone who is wished for illness or family troubles. Earth and salt are thrown on the threshold or can be poured under the rug in the home itself. More sophisticated magicians rub them into cracks and doorways.

Damage can be caused by using the feathers of dead butterflies, midges and other insects. The location of the toss is the threshold where the victim can step on them. Insects and midges are introduced to the disease. To make a person suffer from insomnia, feathers are used.
The most sinister lining is the egg, since its purpose is to kill a person. In theory, anyone who touches the egg should die within four days.
What to do with the lining? Do not touch it with bare hands. Objects found at the door are not brought into the home. You need to put on gloves, take a sheet of paper and, with gentle movements, sweep the “bad present” onto it, after which you take the “gift” away from your home. Not only the lining is disposed of, but also everything that came into direct contact with it. It is best to burn the lining.
There are “general purpose” pads. These include valuables, including money, lying unattended on the street. Of course, people can accidentally lose them, but some do it on purpose, having spoken things out beforehand. In this way, one’s illnesses are transferred to other people. Superstitious people will never lift money and other valuables from the ground. By taking such a thing, you automatically take on the ailments left with it.

You can protect yourself if you have a great desire to become the owner of the treasured banknote - you need to say out loud: “I raise the money, but leave the lining. Amen".
At intersections (usually there) or on other sections of the road you can see shoes, piles of stones or knots of thread. They won’t covet this, they won’t raise it. But this is not required. It is believed that it is enough to step over this to take on the disease.
How to protect yourself from witchcraft? Don't believe in him! This is the most reliable protection. It's easy to say. Belief in magic is not so easy to get rid of. Then you need to take care of yourself, be vigilant and avoid ownerless things.

When accepting gifts even from those closest to you, you need to be more careful. A charmed thing can cause significant harm to the health of family members and even destroy the strongest relationships.

Some things can be spellbound and cause damage

First aid when detecting a lining

  • do not touch the object with your bare hands, otherwise the author’s entire plan will come true and you will receive a powerful charge of negative energy;
  • put on gloves immediately;
  • you cannot step over an object, much less trample on it;
  • all items used to remove the lining must be disposed of;
  • Wipe smeared doors with a rag that has nothing to do with you or your loved ones.

Properly assembled and packaged lining should not be stored in your own home.

  • thistle;
  • wormwood;
  • blessed salt;
  • pine needles

Read the following plot during the burning:

“Burn the lining, burn the soul of the one who laid this treasure for me. Let him be in my place. I cleanse with grass and fire, I get rid of things that have been thrown. Lord, my God, forgive me all my sins, deliver me from the terrible enemy who encroaches on my life, wishes me losses, tries to destroy my family. Let him answer honestly before your court, let him appear before you without lies, without concealing his atrocities. Let the world turn its back on him. Teach him a lesson for having encroached upon Your children, created by Your hand. Amen".

Then read

Getting rid of different types of linings

Not every lining can be burned. Ceramics are destroyed differently. They are broken in a deserted place and buried, according to Orthodox traditions.

Under no circumstances should it be burned. Usually volts are a copy of the person they are trying to do a dirty trick on, so by burning a doll, you will only harm yourself. Biomaterials of the victim are sewn inside the dolls. Only an experienced craftsman can handle the figurine. You shouldn't do this on your own.

If you were given flowers from a cemetery as a gift, do not risk the lives of your household. It works by dead man's binding. The performer, picking a flower in the cemetery, drags along with it a spirit who is dissatisfied with this incident: his house was desecrated and the plant was stolen from it. The deceased will carefully and persistently spoil your life until he brings you to the grave.

If you did not pick up the flowers, but found them under the door, perform a cleansing ritual and return most of the negativity to the giver. You will need:

  • dry red wine;
  • alcohol (should burn);
  • camphor;
  • ground pepper.

Pour wine over the bouquet, grind the camphor into powder, pour it on top, pour out the alcohol and set it on fire. Sprinkle black pepper on the fire while reading the plot:

“Whoever sent you, go back to him, and don’t look into my house. Do not walk under my threshold, do not dance and do not rejoice at my enemy. I experienced everything I wanted.”

A voodoo doll should never be burned

Signs of enchanted things

Typically, the author of the damage selects small objects that are easy to place as close to the victim as possible. They can be planted in a store, placed in a new item, brought to your home, stuck behind a closet or even in a pillow. The pads are divided into 3 groups according to the type of impact.

  1. Battery-emitter - works until the charge of energy that the author has endowed it with runs out.
  2. An object with a performing creature - the thing is not just enchanted, a spirit is attached to it, who will work for the amount of time agreed with the master.
  3. - things that draw certain energy from the victim (money, happiness, luck).

Some throws are made with the goal that the victim finds them - obvious ones. Usually they are placed under the door. The idea is for the querent to come into contact with the object: step over it, pick it up. The enchanted thing can be designed for a specific person, that is, it will not affect others, or it can affect anyone who touches it. The second variation is placed so that the victim does not find it.

Love spells create passion in the victim for a person who previously disgusted him. Usually these are small objects that are constantly near the querent: jewelry, small accessories, needles, threads.

Damage to death is usually done. Sometimes the path of the victim along which she walks to work is washed with water from the corpse. Finding such a lining is virtually impossible. In addition to cemetery paraphernalia, these can be:

  • feathers tied in a knot;
  • salt under the threshold;
  • ropes.

A common option is a lining that allows you to suppress the will of the victim. The performer not only throws it to the querent, but also steals a personal item through which suppression is carried out. You can get rid of such “good” only by destroying one of 2 things.

There is also a protective lining that relatives usually make to protect their loved ones. It is placed in the house. A feature of the protector is its focus on one specific family, so new residents of the house may suffer if the old owners do not take the enchanted object with them.

Destruction of the lining taken into hand

The main thing when discovering an attribute is not to become hysterical. You can get rid of things using fire. Do it for yourself and neutralize what you have accepted. Put protection on the house, speak a pin for yourself. Wear it without taking it off.

The cleansing ritual is carried out by rolling it between your palms while saying:

“I roll an egg, I roll out all the negativity. I want to get rid of the damage and understand who harbors so much evil. Maybe I sinned, I offended you with an evil word and deed. Make sure, by higher powers, that I see the enemy in my dreams.”

Burn the egg. Read “Our Father” 3 times. Light a candle for repose in church until the evening. Pray to the face of the Mother of God. Ask for protection. Calm down and go to bed. Try to remember what you dream about. In a dream, there will definitely be a sign indicating the person who committed the crime, and maybe he will appear in person.

In the future, try to go to church more often. Beware of communicating with a person who will suddenly begin to try to enter your home under any pretext.

Fire will help clear the conspiracy

Protective rituals

“Protect, protect. Let thieves bypass, misfortunes all flee from the threshold. An evil uninvited guest pretending to be a friend cannot penetrate us. I conjure you not to let in otherworldly creatures, to protect family peace.”

A spell on an item helps protect you from any negativity in your home. The object is spoken after. This is done in the standard way, using candles from the temple. In the evening, you need to go around the whole house with them, looking into every corner and places where the flame crackles, they begin to smoke, they are processed more carefully, reading the prayer several times. Then the whole house is washed, adding holy water to the bucket.

After the ceremony, the enchanted object is hidden in the house or under the threshold (if the object is to be protected from uninvited guests). Towels are often used in protective magic. It needs to be given by: parents.

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